Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

We attended our first campaign fundraiser event last night. All in all it was a pretty good time. They (it was for 2 councilmen, from different districts) had a very good turnout. We had a 5 minute drive to get there (yay). The first hour was social hour and then 2 hours of the program. They tried to make it entertaining. The speaker was pretty good. First we said the pledge of allegiance. Throughout the 2 hours some ladies sang a few patriotic songs. One song was "In God We Trust", which was for our councilman - who actually had to fight the liberal council members to have those words put on the wall in the council chambers. Another speaker recited the words to the Johnny Cash song "Ragged Old Flag". 

DD and her BF stopped by for a couple of hours yesterday. DH put her BF to work a bit, helping him move a few things that were heavy, so that was a big help. It was really nice sitting outside in the sun and chatting with DD. She was on spring break this past week and they had gone to the ocean for a couple of days and then were at his parents Friday night and then stopped to see us for a bit. She starts her final quarter of college on Wednesday. Boy, did those 2 years of school fly by. Her BF's new job (within same company) is going great and he already got a raise, after only 3 months.

The weather is supposed to get in the 60's and up to 70 this next week, which should work out great for the weed and feed DH applied to the lawn. I am ready for the warm weather too.

We have no special Easter dinner plans.  Just a normal Sunday dinner for us. I'd love to make a ham, but DH doesn't really like ham, so it'll just be a normal Sunday dinner, LOL. DH is outside today working on his trailer and I've got my laundry started and need to dust and vacuum. I'm thinking this afternoon will be a nap :)

I never heard back from our mortgage lady last week. That kind of irks me. I'm sure she probably had the week off for Spring Break with her son, but geez - at least put an out of office notification on your email stating when you will be returning to business. Hopefully I'll have my questions answered by her early this week and when our realtor gets back from his vacation on Wednesday, we can get the ball rolling.

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