Thursday, March 31, 2016

Keeping on with the plan

We received some more good news towards our "move" plan. The lady that owns the property we want to purchase returned my call this morning. I had left her a message the other day, just wanted to keep in touch and let her know we were still working on it. I told her our offer will have to be contingent on selling our home and also will need time for the construction loan process: for our builder to get plan specs and costs submitted to our bank and then after that it will take another 45 days to close. She said no problem -they are in no hurry! One by one things are falling into place :)

Now we are just waiting to hear back from the builder and tie down what we want with our budget (more like what we can get with our budget!). Then we will have our realtor make an offer and get our place listed.

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