Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday, wishing it was Friday

I survived the dentist visit yesterday afternoon. I was there over 2 hours. 1/2 hour just sitting in the waiting room. Then they numbed me up. Pulled (broke?) off my old crown. Filled the little cavity on the partial tooth left and put a new temporary crown back on.  Just all time consuming stuff.  The kid in the room next to me had a meltdown while they were trying to give her the Novocain shots. Poor thing. The dentist was really good with her though. I liked how he told her (while she started to cry during it) "I'll be done when I get to 10" and he started counting to 10. That really seemed to help her.

I am so glad I am over my dentist fear now. It's really almost like no big deal to me anymore to have work done. I'm just tired of spending the money for it, though! Yesterday was almost $300, my share of it, and that's only the first half of the bill. I pay the balance when I get the permanent crown in a couple of weeks. This was actually the same dentist who saw me a few weeks ago. He is really nice and he seemed really thorough.

Earlier that morning I had ran DH over to his friends shop. He's still helping him get organized and packed up. I needed my car for the dentist appointment and he didn't want to take his pickup out in the rain. He detests having to put a wet muddy truck back in the garage and with helping his friend he has less than zero energy left to wash his big pick up truck up. But, by 7:30 I still had not heard from him to go pick him up.  I texted him let's not make this too late - I'm tired and my mouth is sore. No reply back and by 8pm I was getting a bit ticked. It was pouring rain, dark (I dislike driving in the dark) and a 20 minute drive to go get him (and then back). I was starting to get annoyed and thinking to myself that for all he has been doing to help this friend out, the least he could do is run him home! Then about 8pm, dh texted that friend was bringing him home. I still had to then make him some dinner, but I just made him some tomato soup and peanut butter on bread.  Then I was in bed by 9.

Another 3 druggies/criminals that frequent our neighborhood got arrested yesterday. A couple for possession of stolen vehicles, another for possession of drugs. As I was leaving for my dentist appointment I was following a tow truck out of our neighborhood, with a car in tow. I assumed someone's car got repo'd, but it is possible, they were recovering a stolen vehicle for the sheriff. One of the arrests was booked in about 40 minutes after I saw the car being towed out. It seems like the sheriff is finally starting to do their job of catching and arresting. Too bad the courts just keep spitting them back out. A couple of these are such career criminals. If they had been given the longer sentences they deserve in their past convictions, they wouldn't have been out to commit more. It's all just whack a mole.

Tomorrow I only have to work a half day, though I do have about 90 minutes to make up from yesterdays dentist appt. I might just use some of my PTO time, rather than making the time up. I have like 165 hours. I think I can afford to use an hour and a half of it. I'm sure the reason I am feeling so tired this week is due to my allergies/sinus stuff I get this time every year.


  1. Hope you feel better soon. My dad dreaded the dentist too and avoided going, which made things even worse when he did go in. lol

    Just a FYI-no dental care is covered when you hit Medicare. I didn't know that until I read a book last year. Old people pay totally OOP for ALL dental work so start piling some $ away for that. Getting old sucks......

    1. I think I knew that about no dental with medicare from my parents. My mom has mentioned several times over the years that she had to pay for dental work herself. Hopefully, I'm on the right track now, with taking care of my teeth ;)

  2. I hear you about the dentist.. I am on medicare and have no dental insurance. I need about 4 thousand dollars worth of work.. I have a question for you. In your post you said you were glad you got over your fear of going. How did you do it? I am literally terrified.

    1. I kept avoiding going to the dentist for years, because I would most likely have a panic attack...and the longer I went without going, the more work I knew they were going to say I needed done! Then one day, eating a Teddy Graham, of all things, one of my molars broke in half. I really didn't have a choice. I wanted that tooth fixed pronto and went in and got a temporary. Of course they told me I needed to have a root canal done and referred me to an endodontist. I realized I got through the visit for the temp crown ok and just decided I needed to suck it up and be a big girl. I wasn't going to feel any pain, so what exactly was my problem? I just tried to relax and take deep breaths. I'm sure if you are super terrified a dentist can also give you nitrous or possibly a valium or something relax you? Each time I've had to go in now (a total of 3 root canals, deep gum cleaning, crown, etc) it seems to get easier. I'm numb and can't feel anything and just try to tell myself - it's just teeth! I actually look forward to my cleaning appointments now.
