Friday, February 26, 2016

Step by step

The anticipated salary raise came through. It was exactly what I expected. $2000 a year. I'm not jumping for joy over it, but I'm not upset either. (even though of the raises that have been put through so far, I am still the lowest percentage increase, by quite a bit). It will help to go toward the increased taxes I face this year (with no DD to claim, as well as her education credits, though I will get some for this year, since she will go to school through June). I did get it retro to the last pay period, so that added a bit extra to my paycheck.  Once I finish my 2015 tax return and can do an estimate for this years taxes, I'll have a better idea. I had hoped for extra to go increase my 401k contribution, but probably not going to happen this year. I'll need to wait until we get all settled with selling a house/buying a house, moving, state taxes, etc.  Hopefully, once all these expense reductions kick in later this year, I can then make an increase in the 401k contributions.

I contacted the mortgage person recommended by my boss. Turns out she works for the same bank that I already have my home equity loan through. Maybe that helps me?  Anyhow, yesterday I uploaded her all the documents requested, in order to see what we can pre-qualify for in a new mortgage. I have a phone call scheduled with her later this morning. Hopefully she can give me some good news, and either way, at least we'll have another step in the process completed and that will lead us to the next step.

I'll update later on what I find out!


  1. Good luck with the mortgage company! What an exciting time for you! I know you have so much to do to be ready for selling the house/moving but it sounds like it's such a GOOD thing for your family to get out of the area you live in now! Can't wait to hear what happens!

    1. Thanks! The call with mortgage lady went well, so far. I'm writing a post about it.
