Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Planning the steps

I don't quite think the news that I will be able to keep my wonderful job, when we move, has sunk in. It's almost like I'm scared to get too excited.  Probably because, for us, something always goes wrong, when we try to plan our life. For the most part, It has NEVER gone right and to actually think it could is just more than I can even imagine right now. So, I'm just trying to take it one step at a time. An annual salary (that's with bonus and my side job) of almost $100k will do quite nicely in a lower cost of living area. Plus, by then we won't have the expenses of supporting DD any more.

Basically, we (and I mean DH, because he is very good at researching and looking at all the details I miss) are looking at all properties that have what we are looking for and in our price range. So far, they all seem to be in the higher end of our range, which means we probably aren't quite there yet, in terms of how much we can get out of this place (plus savings), for the down payment and moving expenses. We'll spend the next few months working around this place and then have the realtor come back out for an update on our value. Market has been starting to get hot again (like last Spring) in this area, and according to her it usually lasts until summer. One of our friends just sold their place in 2-3 weeks, the others just sold theirs last week in 2 days. I'm thinking when we do list, we might as well start out a bit high - that way we will know (if we have to come down in price in 30 days) we didn't leave any (much needed) money on the table. When our friends place sold in 2 days, it makes you wonder if they could have asked more for it.

As soon as I know how much my raise is, I'm going to see what we can get pre-approved for on a mortgage. At a minimum, I know we can qualify for an FHA loan. I would just rather not - as I don't want to pay the PMI insurance, which is apparently required even if you put 20% down.  If nothing else, we can start out with that type of loan and refi down the road, when our credit gets better and the BK (2010) is completely off. My boss (who does a lot of real estate rental investing) has a good broker to recommend to me, so I will go with that reference.

Then, when we find something that we like - we will see if they will take a contingency offer, and if so, put our place up for sale. On the benefit side to us, the market in the areas we are looking at are not quite as good for quick sales as is going on here, so we have a better chance of someone willing to accept a contingent offer.

DH has a good friend over in the area we want to move. He has a big (and so far fairly empty) shop (on 15 acres) and sounds like he is willing to let DH store a couple of big things over there, until we can get moved. He has a partial old semi-truck (wants to restore *someday), that he'd like to haul over there, and get off our property, so it looks more appealing to potential buyers than a cab of a truck covered in a blue tarp (in the corner of our property). He also wants to then make a second trip there with an old car we have stored in our garage (along with a few boxes of stuff). This will make the inside of our shop/garage less crowded, etc. At least gas prices are so low right now, that it won't be a big expense for DH to make a trip or two - and a quick trip away from here would probably do him wonders.

I won't have any expense for gas to get to work in our future situation. That will save about $100 a month. I looked up round trip flights from there to here. If planned out a couple months in advance - it's only $168! I told DD (and mom) that with that price I can for sure fly over for visits every 2-3 months. I told DD she'll get sick of seeing me, LOL. Or at that cheap, we can alternate and I can fly her to see us for little visits a few times a year, when she has time.


  1. Have you thought about going 100% remote now for work to make sure there are no issues before you move?

    1. Good idea. We still have quite a few months before it would happen and will be making some changes as we go along towards that. Currently, I'm working anywhere from 60-85% remotely. Of the average 15 hours a week I am actually in the office, only 1-2 hours a week actually involves tasks that we will need to adjust when I'm 100% remote. Pretty much the bank deposits and filing away all the bills w/check stubs. We currently do about 50% of bills paid via bill pay/online and during these next several months will be getting the rest also set up to pay that way, which will also eliminate the need for filing those paid bills away. The software we use for accounting has an attachment feature, which I use quite a bit, rather than filing paper copies. I think the change will be pretty seemless really.

  2. Will you be having a wedding to help pay for? I understand they are quite expensive and should be figured into your budget.

    1. Hopefully not for at least a few years :) She only just turned 20. No engagement ring on her finger yet. I joked with her a couple of months ago to give me a few years to save up and she said "you're not paying for my wedding". I said, well I will for sure help out all I can, but she's also the type that will want to have a fairly simple wedding and want to pay for it herself. If BF is "the one", I'm sure by the time it comes about they will be able to afford what they want. He makes very good money (almost 70k a year) and she will be making a decent salary as soon as she graduates and starts working. Neither of them like to spend much. She's also a planner, so most likely will know at least a year or more in advance. I'm sure I'll be able to help out with some of the cost.

  3. I am very excited for you! Working from home and moving to a better location...LOTS to think about and plan. That is the fun part for me. ;)
