Friday, February 5, 2016

Computer issues still

It's been a crappy couple of days. DH is just beyond trying to get through to on trying to explain to and fix his computer problems. I spoke with two IT people. My guy at work and the lady who does the computer stuff (has her own IT business) for my side job company. Both are pretty sure it has nothing at all to do with our internet service, as I have no problems with my computer.

My IT guy suggested it could be that DH has two programs open and running all the time for our camera security systems (we have one 8 camera system for the house and one for the shop). He said it's probably bogging down his computer and when he tries to do a bunch of other stuff it's slowing it down. He said he had to put his home camera system on it's own computer, so it didn't slow down the computer it was on, that he was trying to also use for other stuff. Makes sense.

But, of course I can't get anything at all through to DH. The minute I open my mouth to try and tell him what both IT people told me, he just starts freaking out that it's Comcast and our internet. When I try to say I don't have any issues on my computer he says I'm not on it all day. For some reason I cannot get through to him that I AM on the internet all day, when I am working. My work connection is using the internet and when I am working all day, I am doing the same as him -  using the internet constantly.

It would pretty much be a piece of cake to just put the camera programs on his old computer and put a  monitor on it. A pretty easy thing to try and see if it helps the problem.

I was going to have someone come here, so they could see our set up, be on his computer on our internet (instead of just taking him computer somewhere to have it looked at) - see first hand what is going on. Nope, he doesn't want some stranger coming to his house. OMG!  There is nothing more I can do then. I'm not getting yet another modem from Comcast. it's working fine. Our download speed is 60mbps and upload is 6 mpbs. On my computer I have several websites open, I am logged into VPN/remote to two other systems and everything works fine.

There is absolutely no way to even talk to him about this. He seems to know it all, which is what is so funny - he knows absolutely nothing about how computers and internet work. I know very little, but at least know enough that I should seek experts opinions and try their suggestions.  One of the guys he has gotten friends with over in the other neighborhood, is a computer geek guy too. I suggested he ask him. We could pay him to look at it and I'm sure he could come up with suggestions on resolving the problems. Nope, doesn't want to do that either.  For whatever reason he just has it in his head that it's our internet and nothing else is going to be the right answer.  I'm so tired of dealing with him. He just drains my energy to nothing. Glad it's my half work day. I can get out of here this afternoon and get the grocery shopping done and take a small break from him.


  1. My late husband was like that at times. I never found a way to deal with it. I guess just let him stew around and hopefully he will eventually find resolution in his own way.

    1. Yep - there really is no way to deal with it that I've found either.

  2. I am in IT and customers like your hubby drive me nuts! :-)

    1. I can imagine it would! But if you were here working on his computer and telling him this or that he'd be all sweet as pie and totally agreeing with you LOL.
