Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Taxes - a four letter word

I got my tax return started today. I've been using TaxAct for a few years, but I think I might be trying another program, just to make sure.  The online experience this time has been very frustrating. As I will go along and answer a couple of questions and hit "continue" it takes me back to the beginning screen. If I hit back a couple of times, it will finally go to the next question. Half the time I was trying to get back to where it left off, and I'm sure I probably missed some of the questioning. I really don't want to have to pay $80 for TurboTax Home and Business, but might just have to.  I have always really liked TaxAct, but this year it has been terrible to use. I'm not impressed at all.

I had to guess on a few things - until DH gets home and tells me where he put the registration paperwork on his trailer purchased last year. I can claim the sales tax paid on it, and since it was at least a couple hundred dollars, I want to take the deduction. 

At this time I owe about $1400.  Last year I owed about $1200, so this past year I have set aside $100 a month in a tax savings account with my Capital One savings. So, I'll only be about $200 short. Not bad. I'll also have to figure out how much more I would owe for this year (when I won't be able to claim DD) and get my withholding from my job upped. The reason I owe is because of my self employment income.

I really hate doing taxes. Even being an accountant, it's probably one of my least favorite things to do. I would never make it as a tax accountant, that's for sure. At least I don't have to do one for DD this year - she didn't earn anything. I will still do my mom's return for her. The only problem is my mom has SUPER slow internet. She wanted me to do it at her house last year, so she could "do it herself" with me there to oversee......well, between her slowness and her internet crawling along, I finally just had to sit and do it.  I told myself that next year I was taking her paperwork home with me. Well, then today when I asked her about it, she again says she wants to learn to do it (because I won't be able to when I move....not true) and I asked her if she got her internet speed increased. No, she hasn't. I don't think I will be able to stand another year of trying to sit there while she slowly enters it all and her computer slowly responds. I might have to have a drink before I go over there LOL. (just kidding, I don't drink)


  1. I used Freetaxusa this year and it was free for federal. I only paid 11.66 for state.

    1. I'll check into that. I know I would probably have to pay something, since I have to file a schedule C

  2. I dislike doing taxes too. Glad to hear someone from inside the accounting industry dislikes it as well. I used H&R Block online this year and it was free for federal as long as you used form 1040. Great job on anticipating the taxes owed!

    1. I'm so glad we have nothing to do with doing our taxes at work - we have a CPA, thank God. My boss is like me - wouldn't touch our corporate tax return with a 10-ft pole! I am very happy with myself for sticking to putting that money aside and even harder - keeping it there :)

  3. Love taxes and numbers 😜 I went with TurboTax, it was worth it. Always used tax act in the past..

    1. I've used that in the past too and it's a very good program. Since I have to file a Schedule C, none of the "free" ones are really free. I was just hoping to find something good that wasn't $80

    2. I had that schedule D.. NO FUN but TT handled it perfectly... TA would not calculate correctly but I'm sure that was more 'user error'.

      Good luck

  4. Why don't you bring your Mom to your house to do the taxes? She can do it with your broadband!

    1. that's probably what I'll end up doing. She's gotten quite scatterbrained and I know she will end up forgetting to bring some paperwork. The ridiculous part is even if she sits with me and I step her through the process, there is no way she will remember how to do it next year, anyway! That's why last year I just humored her and went along with it. It would be one thing if she even knew some basics of how to use the computer, but when I had to step her through and explain "you have to click on continue or next" or stuff like that, she was getting all flustered. I think I will probably just buy Turbo Tax, go pick up her documents and do it myself. If I tell her I bought a program and it would be a bit harder for her to figure out on her own, she'll be fine....and of course I can do her taxes next year, no matter where I'm living. I'll be making frequent trips to here.
