Saturday, January 17, 2015

Shoe shopping

DH is really in need of some new everyday shoes. He has fairly flat feet to begin with, which causes problems, and add in his all over body/muscle pain and he could really use something with good cushion and support. Problem is he HATES to go shopping, and the last thing I want to do is try to go shoe shopping with him, so I always just end up buying him a regular pair of tennis shoes with as much arch support as I can find.

So, I decided to bite the bullet money wise and find him some better, orthopedic tennis shoes. Did some online searching and New Balance shoes came up quite often. He does wear that brand, but I've always just bought the cheaper models...usually $40 (on sale) to $60 range.  They are ok for awhile, but wear down the inside sole quickly and then aren't comfortable to him. I showed him some pairs online at a "foot store" that were $130- $200 range. He found a pair he liked the looks of that were $160. Of course I did some googling to find a cheaper price and found the shoes for $120.  $40 saved.  He also has an old pair of "boat shoes" he likes, because when he's walking around out in the wet grass scooping dog poops they tend to keep his feet drier,  and wanted a new pair of those. I have bought him a couple of pairs over the years. First pair was from Sperry Topsider and the second pair was a Kohl's version, that was cheaper.  Kohl's apparently doesn't carry this style of shoe anymore, so back to Sperry I went. The shoe was $60, as I figured it would be. Again, did some google searching and found the same shoe at for $35.

I was planning/expecting to fork out about $220 total for new shoes for him, but a few minutes of searching and I was able to save $65.  Unfortunately, I couldn't find any coupon codes to go with the purchases, but both were free shipping.  Hopefully these new shoes will help ease his aching feet a bit.


  1. I think blogger might be eating my comments! So if this is a duplicate just delete it ...

    Have you tried buying insoles for his shoes when they start breaking down? DS sells shoes for a living and he and DH are both runners. DH wears his shoes completely out and extends the life of them by replacing the insoles after some period of time. Good insoles are not cheap - they can run $30 to $70 per pair - but it might be worth a try if the rest of the shoes are still functional and your DH likes them.

    1. Thanks for the info - I will definitely check into that! Where can you find those insoles to buy? are there different brands?

  2. If you have benefits for orthotics I would HIGHLY recommend them. They are not cheap but they work wonders. I got mine through my chiropractor. My son also has them as he has really flat feet.

    1. I will have to check and see! thanks for the tip.
