Friday, January 2, 2015


DD got me this very cute red ceramic canister set for Christmas. I also love that the lids have a rubber type ring so they seal when closed.

Yay! I could finally say farewell to the set I have had for 30 years. I didn't take a picture of them before they got carefully packed up and given to Goodwill. They were white with little flowers on them. DD didn't really want them for her future apartment. As I was cleaning out the old ones to get ready to box up I realized that I also have a matching tea kettle to it sitting on my stovetop. So, that was going too. My first reaction was "I'll need a new red teakettle to match". Then I thought "Why?? I never ever use this one. It's just for decoration, since if I heat up water I always use the microwave". A much better useful item would be something to put spatula's and such in.  Easy to grab and help keep my smallish drawers from being so overcrowded with gadgets and tools.

I found the matching tool caddy to this set on Amazon for $16. Not a bad price and free shipping.
But, I figured I could find something similar for cheaper, even if it wasn't red (my first choice, though). I found a similar one at Walmart for $6 and was probably going to get that one.  Yesterday DD wanted to go to Kohl's as she had $10 Kohl's cash to use up.  I had a $10 off any purchase Kohl's birthday coupon that was valid starting yesterday, as well as I printed off a $10 off $30 purchase....just in case I saw something I had to have.  Mostly I just planned to find something around $10 so it would pretty much be free.

I went wandering through the housewares and found one in red for $20 (and not on sale, can you believe that?!). Hmmm..well, I could use my $10 off towards it and it would cost me $10. That would be dumb because there was a perfectly good substitute at Walmart for $6. Or I could find something else, to add to the purchase, I could use for another $10, so that I would be spending a total of $30, getting $20 off with the 2 coupons and then still be only out $10 out of pocket.

So, that's what I did.  I got this kitchen tool caddy (basically for free with my two $10 off coupons)
For the extra $10 I needed to spend (to use one of the coupons) I got two washcloth's from the clearance shelf.  Both together totaled about $11.  I have been in the process of slowly replacing my worn out old washcloths and I love love love super soft ones and I really like them in white, so that I can see I got all my makeup off.

There was only one white one left, so I got a brown in a different brand, that matches my bathroom colors.
I don't know if you can see the original price on the white "Jennifer Lopez" washcloth. $17.99!! Seriously - who is their right mind would EVER pay $18 for a washcloth?! I wouldn't even pay that much for a bath towel. Geesh!

The girl rang it all up and it came to .43 cents below $30? What? We added it up, we were supposed to be at like $31. Apparently the white washcloth was even cheaper than the clearance price marked. It was $3.59, but the cashier said that's ok, she'll still give me the $10 off $30 purchase :-)

So, I spent more than the $6 I could have spent at Walmart for a tool caddy, but I also got 2 nice washcloth's too for the extra $4 spent.


  1. I have a tool caddy like that and love it. And kohls coupons are the best!

    1. Kohl's does have great coupons and I love that you can stack them all

  2. Yikes, that's one expensive washcloth! I'm glad you got it much cheaper :)

  3. Wait I'm a bit confused about the coupons, wouldn't buying the one from Walmart for $6 then using the $10 coupon on $11 of hand towels have been a total of $7 instead of $10? A way to look at it is that you got a more expensive (and presumably nicer) tool caddy for your extra $3.

    1. You are so right! but I did get a nicer (Bobby Flay) caddy, plus I guess I got it all in one store trip, rather than having to go to two stores

  4. I am with you I would never ever spend $17.99 for a bath towel much less a fave cloth. I don't care whose name is on the label!
