Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'm not a very crafty person

Is it Wednesday already?! I've really done nothing this week so far of interest. Went to the office and worked on Monday and worked from home yesterday and again today.  One good news is my boss sent out the annual self evaluation form, so I am completing that today and hopefully will have my review in the next couple of weeks.  Any salary increase will help cover the $160 a month I will now be paying for DH's Crestor medication each month. The past couple of years I had been getting it direct through the manufacturer's assistance program at no cost, based on our family size and income. They give you a years worth of refills and the last time I applied for it was actually based on 2012 income. Now that I have 2 dependents instead of 3 and the income with the bonus I no longer qualify for the assistance.  I was thinking it might be around $80 a month, but it's $160 - dang!  And that is with a $50 "Crestor card" discount.  I checked online and Costco is not any cheaper and it will be about another 14 months before it is going generic.

Sunday I went to Joann's to look at yarn for that arm knitting project. The next best suggestion someone on the lady's facebook page made, to use in place of the discontinued super chunky yarn was also sold out everywhere. I ended up getting as thick of yarn as I could find that was also in my color choices and doubled it. Watched the video instruction several times and tried to get started - over and over! I must have started the first row and pulled it all back out about 8 times. I was determined to figure this out.  Finally I watched a similar video (where she was actually using yarn similar to what I was using) and got it figured out and then I was going to town.  45 minutes to make a 5 foot throw blanket?  Finally it was past my bedtime and I just had to stop and find something to replace my arm. I sent DD a text that said "45 mintues my #ss!" I think I worked on it a good 90 minutes and this is as far as I got:

About 2 feet. I'm sure that is because the very thick yarn makes a larger size much quicker. I haven't started working on it again yet, because I know I'll need a good couple of hours if I want to try and finish it and not have to transfer it off my arm again, if I don't finish it. I think I'm going to need more yarn too (I made sure they had lots in stock in case I have to get more). It's definitely nothing like the super chunky yarn used in the video that I really wanted to make, but I think this will look ok across the end of my bed with my old cream colored duvet cover.  It's not perfect by far, but not bad for never knitting anything in my life.  I'm the type of person who needs to complete craft projects in a couple of hours or I lose interest.....probably another reason why I haven't finished it yet.  BUT I will finish it! Soon! I spent $40 on the yarn and might need one more skein at $8.

I decided not to buy the duvet set I had found online. In looking at it off and on I decided it definitely had a more "elegant" feel to it (and was very pretty) and I realized I was more attracted (by my pins on Pinterest - ha!) to a more cozy, warm, knitted look. I'd rather spend the $100 on making this and adding some sweater type throw pillows. A friend of mine made a very cute throw pillow for her bed out of a cable knit sweater found at a thrift store.  That might be my next project......after I finish this blanket first!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you get better at things the more you do them. So keep at it!
