Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday stuff

I stopped in Target yesterday for a few things.  Mainly for cat and dog food. Target was having a deal where if I bought 2 bags of Purina One cat food at $11 each, I would get a $5 Target gift card back. Plus, we needed dog food for our older dog and I had a $2 off coupon for that. When we got to the register the cashier leaned over and quietly said "do you have a smart phone?" and DD told her she did. She gave her a code to text and said if we had $50 in pet food we'd get $15 off. I said I didn't think I had $50, so we added it up and it was $42. I quickly did math in my head.......if I bought another $20 bag of dog food, I'd get $15 off.  No brainer. So DD ran back and got another bag. Then that second bag also triggered another $5 Target gift card! Free bag of dog food! I was thanking the cashier profusely and she was happy I was so happy, LOL.  I've been so busy this past week with work and the bathroom remodel, I hadn't had much time to scope out the deals, so I am grateful the cashier was awesome.

DH and I went to Home Depot yesterday and got most of the cedar lumber purchased so he can start on the garden arbor. Of course, where last year I had shown him a picture of a basic arbor, he wants to build a fancier one, at probably double the cost. When he did up the list of lumber sizes we'd need I realized with some 12 ft boards we couldn't use DD's little truck. We'd need to take his big pick up and neither DD or I were going to attempt to drive that huge thing and back it in with all the other trucks being loaded up. DH's pickup is like perfect and one little mishap and we'd be dead. So, that got him out of the house for the long 5 mile drive to Home Depot :)  DD and I found a Home Depot that is about the same distance from our house, in the other direction, as the one we usually went to, but it's all back roads to get there (instead of a traffic jammed main road with lights at every block) and takes half the time to get there and back and it's not nearly as crowded as the other store. Plus, I knew he'd want to be able to pick out the boards, which of course he did......some we picked up weren't straight enough, etc, so they got put back.  $375 later we got it home and unloaded.  Thanks to my purchase of discounted e-gift cards and, we really only paid $330. Now he's decided with all the holes he has to drill for the bolts he needs a drill press......sigh.....of course I should have known this simple request last year to buy a small cedar garden arbor from craigslist would turn into a major deal.  He found a used one for $125 on craigslist, but the guy never called him back. I told DH I am out of any extra money for the time being, so he'll have to use his "allowance" money to buy one.  Knowing him he'll want to get started today and end up buying a new one!

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