Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Open wide

I had a dentist appointment this morning for a cleaning. Just a cleaning, or so I thought.  Apparently I am destined to keep up with the teeth problems. This is kind of a large dental office and they have several dentists that work there. This time it was a different one from my previous visits. First thing she finds is a crack in one of my bottom molars (on the other side of my mouth from the root canal/crown I just had done in February).  I will need a crown (and probably a build up, since the original old filling is so large) done. I didn't need xrays this time, but she wanted to take a look at the ones I had done in January. Hmmm.....she notices that I really really should have a deep gum cleaning done. The hygienist shows me all my previous xrays and why they recommend this must be done. She said she is honestly not sure why this was not noticed when the took the xrays in January!

Crap! I only have $500 left on my dental benefits for the year. The front desk person started to do a cost report for me but was saying my benefits are $1000 max. I said no, they are $2000 a year max and I have $500 left (I just checked online this morning). So then she took her paperwork back, after showing it to me for a split second. She said my out of pocket will probably be like $1100 but she wanted to get back online with my insurance and re-do it.  So, I left there with an appointment for next Wednesday to do one half of my mouth and the crown and no paperwork as to the exact costs. Well, it all has to be done, so I know I can put whatever I am out of pocket on my care credit account and make no interest payments over the next 6 months to a year.

I was taking a look at my FSA account last week, realizing because I am no longer buying DH's medicines, I am going to end up having probably $300 left in the account unused at the end of the year. I wasn't sure how I was going to use it up. No eye doctor visits needed, DH has no more planned doctor visits this year. DD will need a menengitis vaccine for college. Not sure if insurance covers that or not, so maybe I'd get that towards it. Well, I guess now I know I can use that for my dental and take some of the sting out of my out of pocket cost on all this dental work.

And with all that I still need the 2 root canals, and either bleaching or crowns, done on my front tooth and the one next to it! GAH! I have been putting that off until January, when I'd have $2000 in dental benefits to use again. The good news on that procedure is they told me I can have that done at their office and not have to go to the specialist/endodontist. Much cheaper than what the endodontist would charge me. She said they hired a dentist that can do root canals for their patients now and front teeth are pretty easy, since they have only one root and they can do both in one visit. I wish I didn't have to wait until January to have this done (for cosmetic reasons) but financially, it's the smart thing to do.


  1. Sheesh! The thieving beggars! I don't use the NHS for dentistry and use a private dentist - a deep clean is £75!!!! A large white filling or root canal treatment is £100- £150 and a crown about £300 - our dentists expect to make a good living but don't expect a champagne lifestyle - Frugal Queen - UK

  2. I read that the IRS changed the rules for FSA accounts and starting next year you can carry over $500 to use during the next year. The current rule is you have under March 31 of the following year to use the total amount. So your $300 would have actually been good to a minimum of March 31, 2015 based on the current rule. Bummer that is has to go to the dentist instead. I absolutely hate going to the dentist. Half the time they find something wrong in my mouth.

    1. I heard that too about being able to carryover unused FSA money. That will be a lot better for most people. Though my plan does give until 3/31 of the next year to submit receipts, we still have to incur the expense in the current year.

  3. I would get a second opinion on the deep cleaning. Unless you smoke or have smoked or went years without taking care of your teeth. My daughter is in the dental business and crowns and replacing old build up and deep planing and cleaning are a way for slow dentists to make money. Especially in an office with several dentists. She has left 3 offices because of this and is finally with an honest dentist.

    1. Unfortunately, mine is my own neglect (years of dh being sick and all our money and then some going to that and a few years I didn't have dental ins either. I made sure my kids teeth got taken care of and put mine on the back burner. I don't trust most dentists either, but my kids have been going to this office for years and they have never tried to say they needed other stuff done, so so far I am trusting them with what they are telling me about my teeth.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've spent much time in a dentist's chair because of unnecessary and excessive fillings as a kid and they do sometimes crack and need replacing or crowns. The office should take the time to go over any potential costs to you before scheduling a procedure. I have never heard of a "deep cleaning" being needed.

    Joanna @ Westheimer Dentist
