Thursday, January 30, 2014

Still in love

I'm not usually one to go ga-ga over much, especially tech gadgets, LOL. But, last night I was searching the apps for downloading books (hopefully some free ones) and see the iPad has a Nook app. Really? So, I download it and sign into my B&N account for my nook and Voila! - there is my nook library and I click on the book I was reading a couple nights ago and it takes me right to the page I had left off on. Ok, that was just so cool! I don't have very many books I actually purchased on my nook, but I do have a bunch of free books on there, many that I hadn't read yet, so I was happy that I still have that library to access. I'm sure I'd love it even more if I had internet access where ever I go with it, but I'm too cheap to pay for that. Maybe some day.......


  1. When we bought my dad's ipad about 3 Christmases ago (or 4?), we opted for the one that is always connected. Sure, it's a monthly fee, but he uses that thing daily, for work, for entertainment. He carries it everywhere, so we knew it was worth to spend the extra monies on that. Have you gotten a good case for it? They are very fragile, and the replacement/fixings (if any) are expensive and a pain. Definitely invest on a high end case-- it makes a world of difference.

    1. Yes, my daughter also bought a very nice case for it. It's kind of a two-tone pick and kind of folds at weird places, so you can prop it up on a desk, etc. I do need to get some screen covers, though.

  2. Check your local library. Our library has an online ebook library which I can use to download as many books as I want for free (they expire after 7-21 days just like a regular library book)--this saves me so much money!

    1. Cash - yes, that is exactly what I do too! I was so proud that I figured out how to download the overdrive app and log into my library account with the iPad (and not have to ask my kid, LOL). I rarely buy books - unless I have a giftcard. I'm currently listening my way through the Jack Reacher novels - a nice distraction while I'm driving the hour to/from work 3 days a week.

  3. Ohhhhh you are making me want one!!!

    1. She got me the mini with the least GB - which apparently still can hold more books than I'd ever have on it. It's not the new retina display model and just has wi-fi (not data plan capable) but it does everything I need it to do. She got it for around $250 at Best Buy, I think she said. I use it constantly, and like I said, I've never been a big gadget person.
