Friday, January 10, 2014

Getting ready now

DD and I are getting her ready for college and dorm living next Fall. Starting early, so it isn't all a big financial hit at one time. On a Black Friday sale I got her a new down alternative comforter for her dorm bed (she wanted one like she has on her bed here at home). I don't even remember now exactly what I paid, but I think it was under $20 for a $100 comforter.  She has a duvet cover picked out and she plans to pay for that. She is going with teal colors. The other day her and a friend went to the craft store and then each made something for their future dorm room (they aren't going to the same universities). DD made a picture holder. Covered cork board in fabric (teal and white) and then some ribbon criss-crossed to hold photos (I can't remember what they are called!).

With her $25 Kohl's gift card, $20 in Kohl's cash I gave her, and a 20% off coupon she bought a mini-Keurig that was on sale for $99, so she got it for less than half off the sale price.....and it's a cute teal color :-)  With some recent Kohl's rewards cash she earned, she bought a plastic plate and bowl to have in her room.

She's so organized and a "list" girl, that I'm just letting her take care of knowing what she needs for college life. She used to pack herself to go spend a night or two at Grandma's when she was 4 years old and she packed and remembered all what to take better than me - haha!  She does plan on buying herself a new laptop. She wants one of those Windows touch types. With all the money she has in the bank (over $7,000!) and the money she'll earn between now and next September, she'll have plenty to buy herself a computer and other extras she wants. What a saver she is! She's been looking at photo's of the dorm rooms for ideas. At first she thought she'd raise her bed and put the desk under it, but now she said she's just going to raise it a little, for a storage area underneath. She doesn't want to have to climb a ladder to get into bed. I have a feeling she's going to have to bring stuff home, LOL, she has a lot of clothes and shoes and will think she needs them all. Plus a big tennis bag, etc. But knowing her organizational skills she'll get it all to fit!

She has morning classes this quarter, so is back to working weekends again. Boo...I liked having her free weekend mornings to hang out with, go run errands, etc.


  1. WOW! I thought my kiddos were good savers! That is a great idea starting to build up in advance. We are skipping the dorm experience and going to junior college the first year. Then he will be getting an apartment with friends - only 1 1/2 years away! It will come faster than I can imagine.

    1. That's how much she's managed to save in 16 months of working! She really does well in tips - and she's only a host, but the servers all love her and how well she helps them, so they tip her out well...and she gets to serve once in awhile and usually makes about $100 in tips on those days. She will probably only do the dorm room for one year. Since she will only be 18, they require them to live on campus, even though she will technically be a junior. Then her 2nd year, she can live wherever she wants and will probably try an apartment.

  2. Just a word to the wise.....if she is planning on spending on computer, etc. for school, either have her put that money aside(and don't claim it as savings on the FAFSA)or spend it before you fill out/file her FAFSA...or put it into your account. Money saved by the student counts MORE against her getting aid then money saved by her parents does(if she is a dependent).

  3. I want to have a relationship with my daughter like you have with yours. It sounds like you're so close. That's nice.

    1. It is so nice. When I was pregnant with her I thought for sure she'd be a boy (as I already had one of those and knew what to do with a boy, LOL) but she came out a girl :-) I love that she likes to spend time with me - even if it's just going grocery shopping or watching a tv show we both like. We message/email back and forth during the day too, so hopefully she'll still do that when she's away at college and it will help not miss her so much. I have a feeling we'll be spending time each driving an hour to meet halfway for lunch or dinner :-)

  4. I believe that you were talking about a loft style bed (with the desk underneath). I know she decided against it, but if she changes her mind, many people sell them at the end of the school year when they move off campus. Just make sure you get a sturdy one with all the nuts and bolts.

  5. I can't believe how expensive Kuerigs are, but totally worth it. I use my own coffee in mine to keep the costs down. ;-)

    1. I have a regular sized Keurig I received as a birthday gift a couple of years ago and love it, but I also use my own coffee to keep the cost down. The filter adapter was like $15 and using your own coffee is so much cheaper than the k-cups. I was getting tired of paying so much for those boxes of k-cups.
