Monday, January 13, 2014

One down......

We had some excitement in our neighborhood last night at 11:30pm.  We are the 2nd house from the corner of the main private road that serves our neighborhood. There is only this main private road in and out. At the corner of our road and this main road, the police pulled over one of the drug dealing cars that are in and out of of neighborhood constantly (but unfortunately not one of the two cars that are specifically up and down our street day and night). The driver took off running and jumped a fence into the housing development on the other side of the street. DH has a scanner so could somewhat gather what was going on. He called for back up and search and for the next 10 minutes all you could hear was police sirens as they were all coming. It took them an hour but the K-9 unit finally found the driver of the car and reported in he was caught and in an ambulance on his way to the hospital and then they had the car towed away.  One lowlife scum gone from the neighborhood! Four more to go..........


  1. Good thing they caught him. I would have had trouble sleeping if I knew he was still out there.

  2. Here's hoping they can catch the rest of the scumbags! For your sake and that of the other respectable neighbors!

  3. I am so glad to hear that. Hopefully they will get the rest of them. There is nothing worse that a@@hole neighbors to make your life a living hell

  4. It is so hard to abide this situation. Drugs especially meth are so bad right now.

  5. Now maybe your complaints will be taken more seriously? I'm sorry you have to deal with this!
