Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Is it March yet?

I've decided I really don't like February! From a strictly money standpoint, the end of the month payday is woefully short for those of us paid hourly. Most of my bi-monthly paychecks have on average an 11 day (88 hour) pay period. This one has 9 days, which for me translates into a paycheck that is over $500 (gross) less than most paydays. Usually I have about this much left over after paying bills and expected expenses to cover all those unexpected expenses. So....not this month :-(

On a good note my company has already met our sales goal for February so it's still looking promising for that 10% bonus come July. Amazing what an incentive will do for employee morale and sales! We've just been kind of stagnant in sales growth the past few years - after they dropped the bonus program. Sales people need some sort of incentive program, that's for sure.  Luckily, the company owners are nice enough to include all the non-sales employees in the bonus, too.

Yesterday I took a rare sick day from work. I couldn't sleep Monday night - felt like I woke up every half hour only to be awake for a half hour every time, I was hot then cold back and forth, and then I woke up just feeling overly tired, generally crummy, and a bad headache. I slept a bit during the day yesterday but the headache just kept getting worse. Usually when I get occipital headaches the only thing that gets rid of them is a muscle relaxer (1/2 a pill does the trick plus it puts me to sleep), so I took one at 6:30pm and went to bed at 7:30 last night. I did sleep great, but the headache did not completely go away, so I'm sure it's a sinus headache, and now I'm trying a sinus OTC pill to see if that helps. I am working from home today, where at least I can take it somewhat easy and not over do it.

I had a chiropractic appointment this morning so I went to that and then stopped at Rite Aid on my way home. I haven't been doing much coupon/deal shopping the past couple of months, but I did see they had Finish Dishwasher tabs on sale buy one get one free. I got 2 of the large boxes of 32 ct for $7.99 plus I had a $1.25 off coupon, so 2 boxes for 3.38 each. Usually one 20 ct. box is more than that, so I'm happy! Those 2 boxes should last me about 6 months.

March also means tennis matches to go to starting in a couple of weeks. I'm am excited that DD will get to play some singles matches this season. So far with the 2 days of tryouts (this is the last day, so more just practice time for DD) she has easily won her ladder matches and the "Queen of the Court" game, which means, so far, she is ranked #1 on the team. DD also wants me to use her camera and take pictures this season for use in their season end banquet. That should be fun to do, too. And then DS wants me to video tape sometimes, so he can watch online, since he won't be home yet to watch her play.

I did e-file DS's tax return last Friday and I see that it is already scheduled to direct deposit into his checking on Friday. I did mine on Saturday, so I shouldn't be too far behind to see it in my account! Mine is still showing "in process status".

1 comment:

  1. Sinuses -- oh yet another (unfortunate) parallel -- my dad was kind enough to pass down his sinus issues to me, so pretty much every time the weather changes (& I live in Wisconsin, so every 10 minutes) I get a headache. Right behind the eyes. Ouch. Tennis for you, track for us :)
