Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Airing my dirty laundry

I'm working from home today - I think I am about ready to run away! It's probably a good thing I was home today, so DH didn't have a complete meltdown, but OMG!

Monday our clanking washing machine started clanking even more and won't wash/spin correctly now, so Monday evening, after dropping puppy back at home after his last obedience class, DD and I headed to Lowes to buy a new one. I decided to buy it there for several reasons - the main one was free delivery and haul away of the old machine. That saves $70-80 over Sears (where we got our new fridge and dishwasher) right there. Plus they offered a $50 Lowe's gift card rebate for any appliance over $499 (the one I wanted was $499). And then just to see if I'd get approved, before I left home, I applied for a Lowe's credit card and got approved for $300. Plus 6 months no interest on purchase over $299. So I put the first $300 on the card (I can pay off when I get my tax return) and the balance of $275 paid with my debit card. At least now I have the option of holding off paying the full $300 next month if Murphy keeps on staying around awhile.

The new one was delivered this morning. I wasn't in the laundry room with the delivery guy, but DH said he stunk really bad, so that was the first thing to set DH off. Plus, our hose connections are old and you have to be gentle with them, so DH was telling the guy he wanted to do it himself. The new hoses I bought were the more expensive braided kind - didn't work so well with our set up - so after they left I had to run to the hardware store and pick up some basic rubber hoses. DH opens the plastic bag they are in and puts the new hoses on. They drip.......he's is freaking out so bad he's about in tears. He pulls them back off and says "they don't even have rubber o-ring washers inside the ends!" I say...."well, there were some in the bag......". now it's not leaking anymore. The guy at Lowes said I could return the hoses if they didn't work, so I should be able to get back $20.

I make sure to explain to DH that the newer washers (even though it's still a top load) are different from the 12 year old one we had. Different sounds, the lid locks after turning on and you have to put in the detergent first, then the clothes, then shut it and turn it on. OH NO! he can't do it that way. So, his instructions (for when I have to wash my clothes) are to put clothes in, turn on and let fill up with water about half way, then push the button to unlock the lid, so the detergent can then be added. I'm like "well, all the machines are like this now and I'm sure they tested that it cleans the laundry just fine this way, but whatever......". I'll wash my clothes just how they say to do it. LOL. Plus, he will not wash a "full" large or extra large load - ever. He'll only fill it up about halfway.......and then of course is doing twice as many loads and wonders why the machine won't last as long as it should.  I didn't bother spending more for the next prices up because the only real difference was size of machine and he won't fill it up to take advantage of the larger capacity anyway.

He's calmed down now, but it's been a crappy week with him just on edge about every little thing. I was temped to sneak him a "chill pill" that the vet gave our puppy while he heals from his neutering and calm him down ;)


  1. Haha @ the last lines. Poor Dh. Some people just are not very flexible to change, and some know how old things used to work and can't see any way things should work otherwise. I'd say give him some time to get over his anxiety, and maybe he will chillax. Also, with these types of machines that lock up, stopping it to pour the detergent may mess up the water meter (since it is restarting it, then telling it there's still water at the beginning of a new cycle when there should be no water).

  2. Men are terrible with changes, especially household changes like a new washer :) It will take some practice for him :) But I hope the new dishwasher lasts you for a LONG time.

  3. He's been reading the instruction manual (that's a surprise in itself) and then I emailed him the "features" of our machine off the website. So he says "well, there's nothing here that says how much stuff you can put in the machine". So, I google and come up with what I have been trying to explain to him for years - you loosely drop the clothes in (which he does) and can fill it up to the top of the agitator. Choose your load size based on how full. Apparently he's just always been washing every load on "heavy" too - which lengthen's the wash time. I told him that's for heavily soiled stuff - which we rarely have. Regular is fine and it's ok to fill it up! Then he he'll have less loads to do. I doubt he will listen and change, but guess since he does a majority of the laundry it's no skin off my nose if he wants to spend all day doing it.

  4. Plus, I just walked into the laundry room to take a peak at his settings.....the load size is on "super". I'll bet you anything there's not a full load in there! Change is definitely a very hard one for him, that's for sure.

  5. I am so glad that dh and I made a deal when we got married that I would wash the clothes and fold them(he is one of those well if one cup is good then two cups of detergent/fabric softer are better) and he puts them away because I hate putting them away.

    I would have taken the dogs medicine and gone to bed myself...or I have some tylenol pm in the back of the closet you couldhave

  6. That's a good idea j udy - I should have thought of doing that! LOL

  7. Well, at least on the bright side your husband DOES laundry! Mine won't touch the stuff ...
