Sunday, February 17, 2013

Don't leave home without 'em

.....Coupons, that is!  It's gotten so I rarely leave home without looking for a coupon for where I am headed or a coupon for the item I'm purchasing.

Last Monday we needed dog food for the older dog. I knew that his dog food was on sale $4 off regular price at Petsmart. I had taken a look at the price when we were there the week before, for puppy training and saw it was on sale all month.  At our last puppy training class the instructor handed out some coupons, one of them being a free nail trim.  Older dog was in much need of a nail trim and dog food, but before we headed out of the house I decided to take a look online to see if there were any printable coupons for $ off at Petsmart or a manufacturer coupon for the dog food. Manufacturer coupons don't come out too often on this dog food, but I got lucky and scored a $3 off printable coupon!  The instructor had said the free nail trim was good for the $9 clip type trim, but if you wanted the grind type trim, just pay the extra $2. We have them do the grind nail trim, but when we checked out we got the whole $11 off!

Friday night we decided to go get take out from the salad bar at the pizza place we like. Just salad this time, no pizza. They have a great salad bar and the take out containers are huge. DD and I end up sharing a salad when we get home. I went online to the pizza place's website and found a 15% off your order coupon, so I saved $2.10.

Today DH wanted me to go pick up the new battery for the car DS drives. We usually use this local battery store that sells all kinds of batteries. I went online to make sure they were open on Sundays and I found a $5 off your car battery coupon!

It all adds up!


  1. I agree! I slowly get back into couponing this year, and I too enjoy the savings :)

  2. Agree - if I could only remember to take them with me! :-( I get to the checkout and realize I forgot them! But they really do add up! I even do a coupon swap with the neighbors - take the coupons I want from the Sunday paper and then swap with them. Often end up with several that I really want/need.
