Friday, August 10, 2012

Wow - just wow...

It's a "wow" kind of day.  The first "wow" is I have had 2 phone calls into DH's pain management doctor for the last 2 days now. He has been in very bad pain since Wednesday. He got about 3 hours sleep Wednesday night and 5 hours last night. I called and left a message with the issue yesterday morning. The nurse finally called me back at 3:15pm - telling me the doctor had already left for the day, so she'd talk to him in the morning and get back to me. By 11:30 this morning, we still had not heard back on what he thinks Dh should I called again and had to leave a message.  Still no call back.  Unbelievable!  You have a patient who is in such bad pain they can't stand it and ignore it?  His family physician isn't in until Monday, so no option there, either.  I guess if it keeps up I'll just take him to ER - maybe there he'll finally get some scans of his body done.  It's been over 8 years since the last tests/scans and they keep telling us now that doing any more now isn't necessary.  He wasn't in pain 8-10 years ago - obviously something has changed.  Maybe what he's having right now is just something more specific - like a disc or pinched nerve. Who knows? I also did some more research into Lyrica side effects and for some it looks like it can cause muscle and joint pain (they ver thing we are trying to get rid of)

The 2nd "wow" is my new blinds for the living room came today. I just set them aside, until DH feels well enough to help me put them up. I just walked out into the living room and my kids are putting them up for me! Yay!


  1. hope you got a chance to talk to dh doc --- that is horrible.

    go kiddos! that is pretty sweet :)

  2. This is very aggravating. But it sounds to me like the are purposely ignoring your husband. Either they don't think he is sick, or they think he has drug issues, or he has no medical insurance and they will not be reimbursed for the tests. So frustrating. I am sorry. Nice of your kids to step in. I wish there was some way to help you.

    1. The dr/nurse never did return my call. That's what I was thinking - though the dr. has now said more than once he thinks it's Fibromyalgia, I just get the feeling he's not serious about Dh's pain level. My main concern in calling was to see if he thought it could be a reaction to the Lyrica. I did read that for some it can actually cause muscle and joint pain. We have repeatedly told him DH doesn't want to take the morphine and wants to find an alternative that will work. At the last visit the dr said that the amount of morphine he's been on is low (15 mg 3x a day) so, for now to just stay on it, with trying the Lyrica. It can't be the insurance. He is on a good insurance plan, that reimburses them quickly.
