Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Doctor update

We saw DH's primary care physician this morning. What a difference in listening and explaining things to us compared with the pain management doctor we were seeing. We are back to having his PCP handle the pain management for fibromyalgia (as that is apparently what he has been diagnosed with now) and he is also referring him to have an MRI done of his lower back to see if there is anything specific causing the lower back/hip/leg pain he's been having so bad the past several months.  It was a much better visit than we've been having with the doctor we had started seeing for the pain management. He really took a lot of time with us today and listened and came up with a continued plan that he printed out for us (very helpful when you are trying to remember so much info). 

He will gradually reduce one of his medicines and gradually increase the Lyrica to see if a higher dosage is any help. He doesn't see the point of being on both medicines as they are basically supposed to do the same type of thing.  DH also got very swollen ankles last night - apparently a side effect of the Lyrica (as well as some weight gain already - as Patti warned about) but not serious and should go away as his body adjusts to the medicine in his system. His ankles were back to normal this morning.  I'm sure if I would have had to call that other doctor to ask about the swollen ankles it would have been another 5 days before they got back to me.

I am relieved his PCP has agreed to handle this for now rather than referring us to another pain specialist. He has always been good to respond to email messages and questions. He's always answered messages by the end of the day and just a short 2 mile drive to see him.  Still keeping my fingers crossed that DH will finally see some relief soon.


  1. Glad to hear the PCP is taking over the pain management doctor. It seems like he's a better choice for the both of you. Hope Dh starts seeing some recovery very soon! A lot of medication will give off side effects before they start fully working, so here's to hoping the new dosages work for Dh!

  2. I'm so happy that your husband had such a great visit with his primary physician. I hope he'll feel better very soon!

  3. Such very good news! I am so relieved that there may be a light at the end of a very long tunnel.

  4. glad to hear that you finally have someone listening! hope hubby feels some relief soon

  5. OMG - I have got to get back here and chat with you - seeing this post - I, too, have the same lower back pain/leg pain that's been going on for years.........with pain management, etc. Getting late here now, but want to get back in touch with you!
