Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Last day of vacation

It's back to work tomorrow. A week off goes way too fast, as always. Dd had her wisdom teeth out yesterday and is doing as well as can be expected. She wasn't really "loopy" at all (like her brother was when he had his out) so we didn't get to laugh at her too much :)  The only funny thing she said on the way home (and she was just being her usual funny self), when she looked into the visor mirror, was "want to go do my school pictures now?!"  The surgeon's office was smart this time - they gave me the prescriptions to fill while they were doing the surgery, so I went and did that instead of sitting in the waiting room.  I was a bit nervous as to what they might all cost me now, since the insurance doesn't have generic coverage anymore starting this month, but for 4 prescriptions it all came to only $21.  Today I will just be here at home, making sure she is icing her jaws and rinsing out her mouth a bunch of times and taking her meds.

As I was typing this Ds just got an email that he did not get the job he interviewed for and really wanted - he is terribly disappointed. Especially as the family friend who works there seemed so sure he'd get it.  Damn!


  1. 4 prescriptions for $21 isn't bad at all! Yay! So sorry to hear your son didn't get the job! :(

  2. Sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully the next interview he gets will want him.

  3. Sorry the job fell thru.
    Have your daughter chomp on tea bags....it helps with the pain and blood clotting.

  4. Sorry DS didn't get the job, how disappointed he must be. Any progress with the Lyrica? Fingers crossed for relief...

  5. Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. It has been kind of a downer day here but Dh was actually very positive in telling Ds that things happen for a reason and something better will come along. Dh is usually one who gets down easily, especially with bad news. Maybe the Lyrica helping? He's not had any bad side effects from it, but no real help from it yet, it seems. But, he totally overdid it this weekend helping on the landscaping project, so hard to say. It'll take him 2-3 days to rest up and get back to "normal". He's trying to take it easy now so he can see if the Lyrica is helping any.

  6. glad DD is okay - but so sad that DS didn't get the job - head up... the economy is so tough right now.

  7. I think one of the first changes I noticed was the attitude but darn it if DH didn't overdue it the first few days as well. Fingers are still crossed but thank you for the mini update.
    Good to DS on this new opportunity as well! Patti
