Monday, August 13, 2012

What would you do?

I'm still upset that Dh's pain management doctor could not be bothered to return our "distress" calls.  I have made an appointment tomorrow with his regular primary care physician.  I want to discuss his pain management plan (trying to find something that works besides morphine) and what he, as a patient, should expect from a doctor in dealing with this. We are also going to ask that a scan be done on his back, as that is where most of his intense pain the past 6 months seems to be. It has been 9-10 year since he had an MRI done - who knows that there isn't something specific or separate from fibromyalgia causing his back pain?

He is supposed to have a follow up appointment (regarding the Lyrica) on Friday with the pain management doctor. I am seriously considering just cancelling it and forgetting about this doctor.  Either have his primary care physcian make the decision if he should up the Lyrica dosage (he's on a "starter" dosage) to the "therapeutic range" and then see for sure if it will help or not or have the primary care physician refer him to someone else in the area.  He didn't originally refer us to this pain management doctor - the university neurologist did.  Should I have Dh discontinue care with this pain managment doctor?  I'm hoping his regular doctor will give me some advice tomorrow.


  1. I would start looking into food intolerance's.

    Foods cause many pain symptoms.

    Big offenders Gluten, Dairy, Soy, and Corn.
    However, many other foods can do this too.

  2. I'm not exactly sure all what's going on with hubby, but food will definitely do you in... (been there, done that!). I would find another dr. either way though... you need someone who you feel cares & returns your calls!

  3. Sorry - I didn't make myself very clear! I mean would you keep going to this Pain mgmt doctor or find someone else?

  4. If the current doctor is not meeting your expectations, definitely ask for a referral from your PCP. Just like one medication can make all the difference to a patient, a doctor can too! I'd say keep the appointment until tomorrow when you go to the PCP and see if he has any referrals, if not, look on your own and ask to be transferred to this new doctor.

  5. I would probably find another professional. Maybe, your primary physician can recommend someone?

  6. We dropped the Pain Mgmt Dr for the same reasons. He also has a really good rapport with his Orthopaedic surgeon (17 surgeries will achieve that but I don't recommend it). So we just use him when we can or his GP when something else is wrong. I hope your GP can recommend someone else for you. I agree on getting the back scan and hope someone will let DH increase that dosage (we were comfortable doing it on our own)and he is at 800mg a day.
    Many prayers

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Have they tried muscle relaxants instead of pain medicine? A friend of mine has Fibro and she found that the pain medications didn't help at all. She does gets the most pain relief from muscle relaxants. Our bodies are so different in how they respond to medication so what works for one person may not work for another. It's a tough disease to deal with for all concerned.

  9. I, too, have the same "issues" as your hubby - low back/leg pain. Have done pain management - and a zillion other things. I am currently taking Cymbalta - and I have to say, it seems to have decreased my pain level. It's been a constant for the last 8 years, we've been to every kind of specialist, had all kinds of tests, done so many things and spent a lot of money (acupuncture, not covered by ins., bought a $5K hot tub, etc.) and I cannot believe I am still dealing with this! I am not even 50 years old yet! My 40's have been a blur. I feel for your husband - and you. My hubby didn't know what to do for me and I lay in agony just sobbing about the pain. He felt helpless, and I was so damn frustrated with the doctors who were unable to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. After 8 years I think I have adapted to the pain, but it's still a constant (right lower back, right leg - has NEVER deviated from these areas, which is so strange!! you'd think THAT would tell the doctors something!!). Anyways - I feel so bad for your husband and you both - I know exactly what you are going through and dealing with. Going to say an extra prayer for him tonight. Hang in there!
