Thursday, August 9, 2012

A new job prospect

DS has a lead on another job but sounds like won't really know for sure for maybe a few weeks. He had advertised his laptop for sale on craigslist (he's always changing what he uses for a computer!) and a guy called yesterday wanting to know if he'd trade for a desktop he has. They got to talking and he owns a small computer repair shop and is looking to hire another full time person (he has one full time and one part time person now) because he's expanding his office space and business. He had DS send him his resume.  He went down there this afternoon to look at the computer he wanted to trade and talk with him about the job. The owner didn't offer any details like pay and being such a small company I'm thinking he probably doesn't offer benefits.  He mentioned on the phone yesterday "well, I can't afford to pay someone $35 an hour...." so DS is thinking it still must be pretty decent pay per hour (not like the $12/hr at his last job), if he'd use that # as his "example" of what's too high.  He won't get into his bigger office area until Oct 1st, but said he'd want him start before that. DS also talked quite a bit with the other full time employee - his service manager - and thought that went really well, too.

At least it sounds like this guy hasn't really advertised for the position, so DS wouldn't be trying to compete with 300+ others.  They also got to talking and he saw on DS's resume he does websites so he's going to hire DS as a little side job to update his website. I'm thinking if DS does well on that, he'd probably hire him for the regular job.  We'll just have to wait and see, I guess!  So, back to keeping fingers crossed.

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