Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend almost over already

Yesterday was a pretty un-productive day - other than Dd and I schlepping around in the pouring rain to try and find some cushions for my old rocking chair. I hadn't been in the Bed Bath & Beyond store for years.  So much neat stuff - and none of it I can afford!  I can't find any rocking chair cushions, so guess I will be ordering online.  The only thing we bought was a sports tank top at Ross for $10 for Dd to wear while playing tennis. 

I woke up this morning with a resolve to actually get something done today.  I had to pick up some razors for Dh, so also managed to get some other good deals. Spent $60 total, but stocked up on quite a few things.  After we got home , while Dh mowed the lawn, Dd vacuumed the house and I mopped the kitchen, laundry and bathrooms and cleaned the bathrooms.

Dinner will get started soon (dh is taking a nap) - just hamburgers and corn on the cob. The corn has been so yummy this summer!  Dd made "Blarney Stones" the other day so we still have those for some dessert. I have a new recipe to try soon.  It's "Red Velvet Cheescake Brownies" OMG! A coworker made some and brought them to work. So delicious.

Friday night Dh and I went to my company's big party.  It was ok - we stayed a couple of hours and then headed for the hour drive home.  With probably close to 400 people (mostly our customers - we only have 35 employees)  there I'm sure I wasn't missed leaving early, LOL.  I'm not a drinker, so don't really find it too enjoyable to try and mingle and chit chat with a bunch of people I don't know.  And for some reason, while that type of food is always good while I'm eating it, it never agrees with my stomach and I paid for it yesterday - another reason it was a pretty unproductive day.

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