Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lots of little expenses

It seems like extra money is just going out the door in little increments every day lately.  Dd, who at the beginning of the school year did not want a yearbook (said she would just get one her senior year) decided she does want one, since she'll only be at the high school for one class each year for her junior and senior years.  She kind of feels like this is her "last" year there, so wants the yearbook memories.  So, since we didn't pre-order, it's now $65.  Then she needed $10 for a school function.

Ds, who said he didn't need to buy the computer course textbook for his class when the quarter started last April, now decided he needed the book to finish up a project due at the end of the quarter. So there was another $62.

I was trying to find a new rocking chair cushion set to replace the dirty, many years old one currently residing on my old wood rocker.  I did try to wash it but it didn't help much. I couldn't find any rocker type cushions (where I need a long back cushion that ties at top of chair, too) and tried some regular cushions I found at Kohl's, but they didn't look right. So I got the $32 back and put that money (and then some!) towards Dh's birthday present.  I am waiting on $10 in Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks and then I will put it towards a cushion set ordered from there.

I also ended up chipping in half on the present Dd wanted to get him as it was quite a bit more than she had thought it would be to make.

Then the guys wanted to watch a race on Pay per view and that was $25.

I've really tried to offset these costs by making more meals at home, using the Amazon gift cards to reduce the cost, I'm putting off getting my hair cut as long as possible, and instead of spending $8+ for a box of hair color I just tried the root dye kit that I got with a coupon for $3.88.  It should hold me off awhile longer.  I also saved about $12 in gas today by working from home instead of having to go up to the office today. (Gas prices are just ridiculous - $4.25 I last paid for mid-grade)

Ds and I were shopping for a Father's Day gift she wants to get her dad.  A world map poster. We searched several stores and no on has one. We went to Office Depot and the guy said they don't carry them anymore but said we could go over to their print and copy center, have them copy a map image from google and they could print and mount it on foam board. Good idea! They were very helpful, but it the end the image just got too pix-elated when made into a 24x36 poster size.  If it had worked we were going to spend $30 to have this done.  I got home and looked for one on Amazon.....found one that is one it's way for $5!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Sometimes it's hard to cut costs, but you seem to have it covered!! :)
