Monday, September 5, 2011

Homemade dinners this week

I'm really going to try and make dinner at home each night this week (except Thursdays, Dh's burger joint night). Saturday we went to a potluck BBQ. It was kind of a last minute decision, since we never know how Dh is feeling.  So, I had to run over to Walmart and buy something to take, rather than planning ahead to make something to take.  I ended up getting some fried chicken and macaroni salad for about $14 total.  Kind of spendy, but the friend having the BBQ is a recent widow with a daughter to support and figured it would help and she'd have some leftovers for next week if it didn't get all eaten :-)

Last night I made 4 cheese and bacon macaroni and cheese. YUM!  I made half a batch so there is enough leftover for me to take to work for lunch tomorrow.  Dinner tonight was just a double cheeseburger and a salad for Dh.  I made myself some french toast, Ds went to his girlfriend's for dinner and I don't even think Dd has eaten dinner! just snacking, I guess.

Tomorrow I plan to do a casserole and then Wednesday I'll throw a pork roast and veggies into the crockpot.

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