Saturday, February 22, 2014

Is it worth the $55?

To renew Costco membership or not renew Costco membership? That is the question.  I didn't end up using it as much as I thought I would. Because I can't stand that fricken' place! I am usually only need a couple of things (when I'm getting a prescription) and when I see the lines to check out I say "forget it".  But, we did use Costco for a few large purchase items......our security camera systems (we bought 2, one for house and one for our detached garage) and I saved a bundle on my glasses. For the regular purchases, if there is something I really want to buy there, I could just have my mom go with me and she pay for it with her card. But, the eyeglasses were a huge savings.....But, I can't think of any big purchases like those we would do this year. I certainly won't need to buy any glasses this year and nothing big like the security camera systems (they were $400 each).  If it weren't for one of DH's meds being so much cheaper there, I'd never set foot in the place......and I don't have to have a membership to get prescriptions. I'll probably try it for one more year and see how much I use it. I guess you can always cancel it anytime and get part of your money back, if I change my mind.


  1. If you don't have any planned large purchases this year I'd just not renew it and use your mom's membership the odd time you might need it.
    Why pay $55 out just to see how much you'll use it this year? Save the money and then if you find you need it again, sign back up.

  2. Costco is a cult here in the PNW, Slugmama! That said, our particular store has a "no questions asked " return policy. When our Oreck we purchased two years ago clogged, and the Oreck store wanted to charge us to repair, Costco took it right back for a full refund....even though they stopped carrying Orecks!
    BUT...I find that when we do venture to Costco, we stock up on things that we can find at the same price (sometimes cheaper) as "loss leaders. " Also, I find I am much more wasteful of, say, paper towels, if I have a case on hand, when what I should be doing is using washable rags (also purchased at Costco.) So I agree with Slugmama...don't renew if you don't see any purchase planned. You can always get the one day pass, or renew later.

  3. Did you know that you dont need a Costco membership to use their pharmacy? I googled around and this seems to be confirmed. Not sure about glasses--a couple of people posted that they didnt need to be a member to get glasses there either.

    1. Yes, I do know about being able to use the pharmacy w/o a membership. That is how I started going there in the first place, but then there were a few things I figured I'd buy on a regular basis, so I got a membership a few months later...but then didn't end up thinking it worth the wait in line every month I went to pick up his prescription. I'm not sure on the vision center either, if you need a membership, but I am very happy with my progressive lens glasses I got there and how much I saved.

  4. If you don't need glasses this year and you need a membership do it then I would wait till the following year to renew it...Or renew it the day you need it for some reason... With our plan we get new glasses every two years.... We joined Costco when they opened 21 miles away ( right across the street from my hubbies work) we used it during there grand opening.... Did not renew our Sam's Club membership that year...Never went back to Costco's and did not renew it.... But we did renew our Sam's club this year..... And yes watch the prices..... You also have to watch prices at Walmarts and Targets...Even the dollar stores....Just because it is a dollar store things may be priced higher.... Do what you heart says to do...Lisa

    1. That's a good idea. I'll wait and if there is something I feel the need for then I can renew at that time. I probably won't need glasses until at least the following year, so I could save the $55 this year and just have my mom go with me if there is something I really found a good deal on. But, like you said - you have to watch their prices too, and for most things I do not have room for the huge supplies and containers of stuff!

  5. I was going to say, sounds to me like you don't need it. I wouldn't bother... I go maybe 1x year with a friend... lol!

  6. I was skeptical of a Costco membership also. We live 7 blocks from one. We got the higher membership and the Costco American Express card. My hubby drives 1 1/2 hrs one way to work so we get gas at Costco and we earn our membership money back plus extra with the American Express cash back option. Ours I rarely have to wait in line at check out and am pretty good about just purchasing planned items. So for me the membership has been worth it. However if you can share a membership with someone that is an awesome option!

    1. You are lucky you have no long lines to wait in. Our Costco has terrible lines, no matter when I seem to go. The place is always packed.

  7. We got a membership the first year of our marriage, mostly for gas, and after a year I did some math and realized that we saved about $50 in 12 months:) I agree with everyone, if you don't need to buy anything big there, I wouldn't renew it. I do miss their delicious raspberries though :)

  8. Do they do eye exams there or can you just buy glasses there? My kids both need new glasses and my mom has a membership so I can go with her. Any info you could give me would be appreciated.

    1. Theresa, yes, they do eye exams and have glasses. I'm not totally sure, but from what I can find online, you do not need a membership to see the optometrist at Costco, but you do need a membership to purchases frames and lenses. I would think your mom could pay with her membership and you could reimburse her. I probably saved half of what I would have paid at a my eye doctors for progressive lens glasses. It was definitely worth getting them at Costco, for me, and they are quality lenses.
