Monday, February 24, 2014

I'll save the $55

My Costco membership dilemma has been solved. I went to Costco on my way home from work to fill DH's prescription and they told me they did not have enough pills in stock to fill it. They said to check back tomorrow to see if they got more in. Well, I don't really have time to do it tomorrow after work - I have to follow DD the hour plus drive to our friends house, so we can dropped her car to be worked on. So, I just stopped at Target on my way home today to fill it and found out that with the new insurance that "sorta" covers prescriptions (after I meet a huge deductible, which I never will), it applies my co-insurance amount after the contracted write off amount. So, my out of pocket price at Target was the same price I paid at Costco last month! Their cash prices are different, but my cost was the same. Woohoo - I can just start filling this at Target again. A 5 minute drive to get there and usually never more than a 10 minute wait to get it filled.  At Costco it was always a 30-40 minute wait to get it filled, so I usually just dropped it off and then made another trip to pick it up the next day. Now I'll save the annual membership fee and the extra gas it was costing me to go there.