Of course, right now, I'm going "what was I thinking?!!". DS used his money to pay for him ($100) and also is taking him and paying for the shots. I kind of thought I'd be doing that, so I was happy when he said he wanted to do it. I did buy the puppy food, bowls and a couple of toys and DD bought some training treats and a toy. We still have our big crate (not used anymore because our older dog is a big spoiled baby and sleeps with us) and also a smaller pet crate. We've been trying the big crate (with the inside partition set up to make it a small area) for putting him in at night, but not much success yet, so tonight we are going to try putting him in the small crate (I had forgotten we had purchased it years ago to take our cat to the vet in) and putting it next to DD's bed tonight. She said she'll be on puppy duty so we all can get some sleep. We've been putting some little treats inside the small crate all day so he will crawl in and get used to it and see this as a "good" place to be.
DS has another (gosh it's getting old saying that!) job interview today. He's averaged one, sometimes 2 a week the past month or more. Nothing offered yet. They either tell him they are hiring someone with experience or someone very low pay. I guess with the competition around here for these jobs, we should just be thankful he's even getting to the interview stage. I know he's getting very discouraged going on all these interviews and then not getting the job, but I keep telling him the more he goes on the better chance to find one, and one of them will go his way at some point! It also looks like he will be picking up a pretty big website side-job that will pay him around $2000-$2500. He's waiting to hear on that.
We've decided that the new floor for DD's bedroom will be a surprise for her birthday, so I have an extra month to save up for it, which will work out good. I can put aside half of it out of the end of September paycheck and half out of end of October. And since it will be her birthday present, I can move those "present" funds towards the floor cost, too. DH found out our neighbor has the type of saw he needs to do this project, so we can borrow that.
She starts her college classes next week and is excited about that. The past few weeks she's just been attending her one class at the high school and is ready to get started with school! Pre-Calc, Political Science and English 101. She'll be a busy girl, with working on weekends, too. She's liking her job and especially when the servers share tips. Most days she averages about $14/hour with tips and she's already put her first 2 weeks of tips ($104) all into savings and gets paid again tomorrow.
Plus, I've been feeling sick since last night - upset stomach and such, so that even made me get less sleep last night. I'm working from home today, but I think I might call it a day early and just use some sick time. Glad I am home and close to the bathroom and not at the office today!
OMG - CUTE PUPPY!! Sweet! Always good to have a buddy (for the other dog!). Hope you are feeling better soon! Tell son the more interviews he goes on - the better he'll get at interviewing, and will be well prepared for the interview for job he REALLY wants! :-) It will all work out, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteI've feeling ill today too.....did my computer catch your bug and share it with me?lol
ReplyDeleteAnd what WERE you thinking getting another dog.
Keep it up and you'll end up like me with 4 dogs.....at the same time......going crazy.....
What a beauty of a pup. What's his name? And best of luck on the interviewing process of DS. It is a bit painstaking, but he will eventually get something. He needs to hang on until then.
ReplyDeleteAwww what a cutie!! Good luck training him :) I hope your DS will find a good job very soon.
ReplyDelete@Tanner - He still has yet to be named - no one can agree on this one!
ReplyDelete@Sluggy - 4 dogs?!! I don't think I'll ever have that many, but never say never, right?!
DS thought his interview went well, but the pay is TERRIBLE. $27,300 a year. That's barely $13 an hour - my high schooler is making that much an hour at her hostess job (w/tips)!
If I had known that you wanted a dog I would've sent you mine LOL j/k
ReplyDeleteLooks adorable.
Awww...look at the paws on him!! He's going to be a big boy! Good job figuring out the flooring! Hope you'll share pics after its done! :)
ReplyDeleteoh he's just beautiful! really lovely. hope you feel better soon
ReplyDeleteI'm better - thank you! just a 24 hour stomach bug or something.