Monday, October 28, 2024

More insurance and candy raid

I think I figured out dh's insurance claims and deductible total. Apparently, when I looked online a week ago and saw he was $167 within meeting his deductible, that included this claim that just processed this past Friday 10/25. So, even though a week ago I wasn't seeing the detail of this claim yet, it was apparently included in the total already, because including it now, he is $167 short of meeting his deductible. (I also see commenter Eli said the same thing, thanks for the explanation!)

And overall the totals of his claims are now $1207 higher than all the eob's add up to, so I'm guessing one or more of these claims still in process are actually now included. So, of this $1207, $167 will be towards deductible and there rest I will now only be paying 20% coinsurance on. I'm quite certain this $1207 is only part of his ER visit as there are still 4 claims showing in process from his 10/15 ER visit and I'm sure between a CAT scan and everything that day, it's going to be way more than $1207.

If he has to have an endoscopy, lets hope it's before year end. If he does need one, I can't imagine them saying at his 11/8 appointment that he needs to wait 2 months for it. When they wanted to do one 3 years ago, they scheduled it quickly.

I do need to call and ask why my 2nd round of blood work wasn't covered at all. It's only $69, but it's the principal of the thing. My employer pays a lot for my insurance, it should be covered. Plus, I paid the bill myself, so if it's covered I will get a refund. Ok, I just found a more detailed EOB online for this claim and apparently the docctor's office/lab did not submit the claim correctly, so I actually need to call the dr office and talk to them about it.

Today is payroll processing day, so it will be a busy day. DH is gradually feeling better and starting to eat more normally. Well, he wants to eat all his regular foods, but he's doing his best to not over do it. He's not having anymore pain, so the inflammation must have cleared up. The nausea is getting better, but seems to be a slower process of going away.

I always buy a bag of Halloween candy, just in case the neighbor kids show up. Some years they do, some not. I just bought a small bag this time (so we don't eat a bunch) and hid it in the kitchen, so neither of us are tempted. Well, I mean of course I know where it is, LOL, but as long as it's hidden and the bag not open, I have no desire for it. Saturday night, after I went to bed, dh said an ad popped up on his computer for Halloween candy. He thought "oh, I'm sure One has it hidden somewhere!". So, he quickly found it, haha, and had one Reeses. These are the tiny "fun" size or whatever they are calling them. Then the next morning he told me to hide it somewhere else, LOL. I took it up to my office to put in my desk drawer, but not before I had a kitkat. It tasted terrible! Candy is going downhill in taste. It doesn't even taste much like a kitkat. I mentioned that to dh and he said the Reeses cup didn't taste that great either. Just not the normal flavor. Bleh!

Saturday afternoon we did finally play some pool again, so that was fun. Yesterday I did all the vacuuming upstairs. I've found if I do like 2 areas at a time, with a break in between, my back doesn't end up hurting. I guess the trick is to stop before it starts hurting.

It started raining yesterday and still raining this morning. It's only like 36 degrees out, so it's getting close to snow temps.  

Well, time to log into work and get the day started.


  1. I don’t know precisely what is different, but for close to ten years now, Hershey’s and Nestle candy hasn’t tasted as it used to. Back when I prowled food blogs, I learned Hershey had added an ingredient to their peanut butter cups. (PBR, maybe? I can’t recall, and am too lazy to look it up.) But, I am also getting older, and sweets don’t appeal to me much, unless I bake them myself. Which reminds me…it was about the time I read that article that noticed my chocolate chip cookies were getting flat and crispy no matter what I did. I stopped baking them, it was so discouraging. Well, last week I made a batch with Ghirardelli chocolate chips, and they turned out beautifully. I wonder if the Nestles chips had more added water? ::shrug::
    We don’t get trick or treaters here either. That’s one of the few things I miss about suburbia. Although, this region, as you know, is rapidly growing. ::sigh::

    1. well, that is interesting about the flat chocolate chip cookies. My last couple of batches I used Walmart store brand choc chips and still the same flatness. I will give Ghiradelli a try one of these days and see. I haven't had a good, non-flat, chocolate chip cookie in at least 10 years now. I've tried adding more flour, different butter, etc. Reeses are one of my favorites and while I don't eat them often much, they do taste different to me.
