Saturday, October 19, 2024

What a week

I muddled through the day yesterday. I did get one project done, during my lunch break, for this little (very little) side job I picked up last summer. I've kind of been waiting to at least have a few hours in, before I bill them, LOL. Well, now after the last few days I am up to 4.25 hours, so I will bill them for my time at the end of this month. 

I got one of those class action lawsuit cards in the mail. This one is for my mom. This could be interesting, but no idea of the potential payout yet, if they win the lawsuit. It is for purchasing stock in DocuSign between 2020 and 2022. Apparently the company lied/falsified important information regarding the company and investors took a huge loss. My mom's stock was purchased in 2021, 110 shares for almost $30,000. I'm not sure when the shares got sold, because I no longer have access to her account history, with her account now closed, but at the time her investment guy moved to a different investment company in 2022, and everything got transferred over the stock, was only worth $7500 by then. I'll be keeping on an eye on this. The website listed on the card says if you purchased stock you are part of the class and if you want to stay in the class, you don't need to do anything (at least nothing to sign up for yet, as other class action suits I've done). You only need to do something if you don't want to be a part of it.  

DH almost met his health insurance deductible after having the prostate ultrasound at the end of August. He's got $167 left, so obviously our trip to the urgent care, and then ER, last week, will push him over the top, so most of that visit, the lab work, and the CT scan will now be covered, as well as the upcoming GI doctor visit and if they do a endoscopic ultrasound. More than likely all the upcoming charges will put us over the family deductible max, as well.

DD and her dh went and did some sightseeing a couple hours from their home. Where they went (small town) I told her my aunt (the one that just passed) and uncle had owned a little burger type place, there, back in the 70's. I kind of remembered where it was, in the town, so I looked it up on google maps and sent dd a screenshot of the street view, while they were on their way there. They found it and she said they had a good lunch of burgers, fries and milkshakes. I messaged one of my cousins with a picture from outside dd took, to ask if this was the place I remember her parents had owned, and yes it was. I've been meaning to send this cousin a message anyway, to tell her how sorry I was about her mom. I'm sure she is likely having a hard time. She and her mom lived together and I'm sure she will feel this loss deeply. One of her siblings lives near her, but the other 2 are in different states. 

It was cold here yesterday morning, 32 degrees. Now the low is in the 40's but looks like by midweek next week it will be down below freezing. Brrr!

Yesterday dh got the lawn mower maintenance done and the tractor put away into the garden shed for the winter. No more mowing. We're heading into plowing season, LOL. I guess there's been a little snow in the higher up elevations (we are at 2700 feet).

No big plans this weekend. Just hoping dh starts to feel better. So far, very little improvement. I did manage to make him eat only very bland foods, not even a lunch meat sandwich for lunch. I made him 2 pieces of toast and applesauce. For dinner we had chicken noodle soup, crackers and jello.

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