Friday, October 18, 2024

Can I start today over?

My Friday morning was not off to a good start, right off the bat. First up was an email update about dh's computer repair from Dell. They do not have the parts in stock (on a brand new computer) and it's been delayed getting them and estimated completed date is now Nov 9th! I am furious. I talked to 2 different departments. Asked to just be sent a new computer as a replacement - I should haven't to wait another 3 weeks to get a computer. I talked to another dept about them keeping it and refunding me. Of course they don't want to do that and told me they can't do a refund after 30 days. I said the only reason it's past 30 days now is because of their delays. Plus everyone I talked to is outsourced in India, so of course that always gets you nowhere. The computer itself was shipped to Texas. I shipped it back 2 weeks ago. It took a week to get there and now they've had it a week.

By the time I got off the phone with them, it was now time to call that GI doctors office, because they still had not called me back with an appointment for dh. I had to leave a voicemail and 3 hours later I get a call back from someone different than I talked to on Wed. morning. She told me he will need to be scheduled for a 1 hour new patient appointment and the earliest available is Nov 8th. I said even though he's already established, just a few weeks past 3 years, with one of their doctors and the lady I talked to on Wednesday acted like since it's so close to 3 years, they'd keep him as established? Yes. Good grief. Then she said that doctor doesn't even have any openings until after the first of the year. (not to mention this is pretty much the only GI office in the area)

I explained that it is pancreas related, he's still having problems and the ER doctor consulted with one of their doctors and he said dh needs an endoscopic ultrasound. So, now we wait until Nov 8th and be on a wait list in case they get an opening or someone reschedules. Since he's still in pain, with just about enough pain meds to get him thru the weekend, my guess is on Monday we'll be trying to get an appt with one of the doctors here at the small clinic in our town (part of the hospital) where he had seen one of their doctors once or twice as follow up, after being in the hospital there for pancreatitis, 3 years ago. They would have to prescribe him some more pain meds to get him through until Nov 8, I guess. Or we go back to the ER.

Then I started working and was having IT issues, so had to put in a help ticket to get that issue resolved.

What an annoying day!


  1. Your Friday is identifying Asa Monday!

  2. I normally do not recommend this, but if they cannot get it repaired timely and refuse to send a new one as a replacement or give you a refund, I'd open a dispute with your credit card comopany.

  3. Having problems with computer and doc scheduling and IT on the same day is too much!

    1. it was especially too much all in the first hour!
