Tuesday, October 8, 2024

work, dinner and tv show

I got caught up in a work project at the end of the day yesterday and suddenly realized it was 4:50 LOL. I never work past 4:30 haha. 

I hadn't planned anything ahead of time for dinner, so I ended up just making us breakfast for dinner - fried eggs (fried in olive oil) and wheat bread toast. We've been skipping the bacon or sausage due to dh's gallbladder, or lack thereof. 

 I do have ice cream in the freezer and dh will have that in the evenings sometimes. I now have no desire for it. As long as I have my yogurt/pudding dessert, I am happy and satisfied.

I had a super annoying dream last night. I was at Costco and trying to do a big shopping trip. DH was with me and he took a cart to get stuff on his own. It seemed in my dream the place was 3x the size it really is and alot of it seemed to be outside, almost like walking down streets. I just could not seem to get anywhere or find anything. I also had like a 3 year old boy with me, so that was slowing me down. I started wondering/stressing where dh was and that he was going to be annoyed it was taking me so long. I even woke up a couple of times and when I fell back asleep I carried right on with the annoying dream. Finally, hours later, (I was exhausted) I had to go check out (but I still didn't find the frozen stuff) and it was dark. I didn't know where dh was and I was trying to call him, but for some reason my phone was missing the call feature. LOL. Then I finally woke up and the stupid dream ended.

Anyone remember the old tv show from the 60's "Family Affair"? I started watching it on Amazon Prime. That was a cute, sweet show. When I'm done watching that, I'll have to find some other old shows to watch. So much better than most of the tv shows on today.

I can't seem to stop coughing this morning, since I've gotten up. DH is starting to feel better, but still feels like I do. I'm beginning to forget what it's like to NOT cough :/

Last week dh mentioned chocolate chip cookies sounded good (I haven't baked anything in months) so after work (I think it was last Monday or Tuesday) I had the ingredients so I made up some cookies. I realized I have missed baking every so often, especially on the weekends. Whether it be cake, cookies or pie. I don't want the sugar at all, but I do miss baking every so often. Last time I made banana bread I tried using the monkfruit instead of sugar, but didn't really like the results.

Do you have any good low/no sugar dessert recipes?


  1. “Barney Miller” is one of my favorite, older shows. It’s even funnier to me now than it was in the 70’s. I also love “The Royle Family.” It’s a newer (1990’s) British comedy about, essentially, a family who centers their life around the t.v. Every time I watch it, I catch something I missed!

    Sorry, no low sugar dessert recipes here. We don’t play by THOSE rules, lol Although, I have a shortbread recipe that doesn’t use much sugar. You just have to keep an eye on it when it’s in the oven. Have you tried baking bread? It satisfies the creative urge, tastes great toasted, and makes the house smell wonderful. Some recipes are fairly easy, and if you have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer, you can knead it that way. I make homemade hot pockets with a basic bread recipe. I can start the dough at 3:30, and have dinner on the table by 5p.m. with little hands on work.

    1. Barney Miller was a good show. I remember watching it back in the day. I have an old bread machine but didn't make bread that often. I'm trying to cut down on bread as well, since the carbs turn to sugar in your body. But, the hot pockets sound really good!
