Saturday, October 12, 2024

Another grounding sucess story

Oh! The (cruise) friend I had suggested she try the grounding mat for her pain issues - she updated me yesterday. She said her hip pain (she'd been dealing with it since before the cruise) was gone in 2 days and her arthritis pain in her lower back is getting better. She feels better and says they are sleeping better and she's not in constant pain anymore. Success!I'm trying to get my half sis to get one - she has a lot of back and hip pain, too. And she was going to order it last night but apparently Canada is the only country they don't ship to....weird. She found a Canadian website, for apparently the same products but twice the cost as US$ and no free item when ordering. I told her, knowing what I know now about how much it helps me, I'd gladly pay double what I originally paid for mine.

I slept in this morning. It's still been hard getting up at my normal time, but I figured it's Saturday and it won't kill me to sleep in an extra hour or so. I'd rather get up at my normal time, even on the weekends, as it give me some quiet time, with my cup of coffee (and my blog LOL) before dh is up and about. But at least, all day, I do feel like my normal energy level. It's just been hard to wake up.

It's very foggy out this morning, but supposed to be a sunny 70 degree day when it burns off. 

I had ordered a bp monitor and pulseoximeter from Amazon that arrived yesterday. DH is now wanting to monitor his blood pressure, ever since friend brought over hers and left it for a bit. Well, he didn't like the one I got, LOL. Her's has an arm cuff that the first part that goes over your arm is kind of stiff and I guess it's easy for him to put on himself and then finish wrapping to the velcro side. The one I ordered the arm cuff is all soft and loose and he said it's really hard for him to get it wrapped around by himself. So, I told him I'd return it and find the one online like friend has. I found it through Walmart (twice as much haha) and ordered it and printed out a return label for the Amazon one. It was going back UPS. We hardly even see the UPS guy anymore as almost all of our Amazon orders now ship through the USPS. But, I saw in my UPS delivery account, he was delivering to us on Tuesday with some lawn mower maintenance kit. I happened to go ahead and just put the return label and tape of the box right then. About 15 minutes later dh yells up to me, in my office, UPS just went down the street to deliver to neighbors, can you get that return ready real quick and I'll give it to him now? I said already done and gave it to him.

We are going in to the city later this afternoon, to pick up groceries. Around dinner time, like we did last time on a Saturday, and traffic on the busy road was less and overall seemed like a good time for us to go. We'll grab Wendys' for dinner when we are done to eat on the way home.  Going at this time, vs in the morning, dh doesn't have to get up early (for him) and I don't have to get up and start getting ready to go out as soon as I get up. We now have our whole day to do our normal stuff and will leave around 4pm to head to the city and instead of me spending from 4:30-5 or 5:30 getting dinner cooked and eaten, we spend it getting groceries and eating on the way home. Works for me ;)

On tap for today - cleaning house. I need to get our master bath shower floor cleaned. I want to use my steam mop, as it's so easy to clean it and I like how it sanitizes it (or at least I feel like it's much more, with the hot steam) but every time I use it dh complains there's a weird smell in the house. So, I guess I'll just do it the old/hard way - with soap and a scrub brush. Boo.

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