Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rearranging, searching and purging

Dh spent the afternoon doing some rearranging in the shop. He also decided he can now get rid of some scrap pieces of lumber, taking up room. He's got some fall yard waste in the fire pit, so when he decides to burn here in the near future, he will add the lumber pieces to the fire. He was trying to make getting his snow plow in and out, this winter, a little easier, so he was happy to figure that out. But, I'm sure he overdid it. 

It's been getting down to freezing or below at night. It was raining a bit, when I started making dinner and if it had been any colder it would have been snowing LOL.

I was looking for a red ink pen the other day. I swear I bought a box of them several years ago. I'm going to have to do a little searching in my desk drawers before I order another one. I always write out my budget/bill on a steno notepad for each pay period (I usually go out about 3 paychecks), but sometimes I'll add little notes or dates and I'd like to use a different color so it stands out when I'm referring to it later and don't forget I added something. Just now digging through my desk I found a box of blue pens, so at least I now know I have more of these when my current pen runs out. I also found 2 rolls of new scotch tape, which will probably be needed for present wrapping.

I just started going through my desk drawers. Purging, as I search. I just found my old ipad mini. Boy, it seems small now that I've gotten used to my new(ish) regular ipad. No red pen(s) found yet. Maybe dh has a red pen in his pen cup on his desk, I can steal. I also feel like one of the recent years I sent out Christmas cards I signed them in red pen. That reminds me, again, I need to figure out getting some Christmas cards. I think this year I'll just buy a box of nice cards. Sometimes I have the personalized type made up to send out. I don't mail out a lot of them, but I do like to send some out.

My sis is just doing an amazing job. I'm so glad I was able to get her on board to be my assistant. In addition to getting LOTS done, she also takes the time to question things that don't look quite right to her. We have already come across a couple of things that, by her questioning, we have found issues we need to fix or look into more. 


  1. Yellow Shoes

    That is such good news about your sis, not only is she someone you like, she’s actually doing the job well.
    It must make you both very happy to be in regular touch.

    1. yes, we both are enjoying talking to each other so often now. We've always kept in touch, but this is much more now.

  2. Is the college "assistant" still working?

    1. LOL - no! They finally got rid of him in the summer or spring?

    2. JJ is correct! My boss finally got rid of him early August. She forced him to give his resignation, otherwise she was going to pursue theft of wages against him.
