Monday, December 16, 2013

I did it!

DS got home last night and I managed to keep it a secret for almost the past month! Whew - so glad that is over. It all went perfect. He had a friend drop him off (down the street a bit, so she didn't have to come down our driveway). DD and I were sitting in the living room and DH was back in the family room at his desk. He rang the doorbell and then opened the door right away. DD was in shock for a second and then said "oh my god" and flew into his arms. She was bawling and hugging him and then she pulled back to look and make sure it was really him and started crying and hugging him some more. By that time DH came around the corner to see what the commotion was and was very surprised. Lot's of happiness at our little home last night :)


  1. I would say that was a great Christmas present!

  2. A picture moment for sure!
    Have a great Holiday with ALL your family together....

  3. And THAT is what Christmas is all about! It's not about "stuff" - it's about family and making memories, and of course, most importantly, giving thanks to our Heavenly Father for sending us his Son - so that one day, when our life here on this earth is finished, IF deserving, we may spend eternity with Him!

    I know you'll be making some fabulous memories with your children this year! :-) Enjoy your time with them!
