Sunday, December 8, 2013

Another quick weekend

Weekends go by way too fast. But I also just realized I only have to work 9 more days this month and then I don't go back until January 6th! I am so looking forward to that time off, especially since DS will be home for most of it. The surprise visit home is still a surprise and only one more week to keep it.

DD and I got up early yesterday and were out of the house by 8:20 am. It's so cold here - in the teens during the night and 20's during the day. Looks like we have a couple more days of it and then we will be back in the 30's and 40's. I'm just glad I'm not in Montana or somewhere where it's 30 below right now. No Thank You.

We went and had breakfast first and she didn't want to go where she works this time, so we went to the little diner at the small airfield. It's always good, but something must not have agreed with me because an hour later, into our Christmas shopping, I got a bad stomach ache and had to find some restroom facilities....I felt better after that, but it was still a bit "off" the rest of the day. We got some gifts for DH and DS. We did pretty well at Kohl's again. I had a $15 Kohl's cash to use and DD had a $5 Kohl's rewards to use, plus I had a 20% off coupon...and they were giving out $10 in Kohl's cash again for $50 spent. She got her brother 3 shirts and her dad a new leather wallet. After coupons and discounts she was just under $50, so she found a pair of panties on clearance for a couple of dollars. I got DS some socks and underwear (not something I usually buy as a Christmas gift - but, hey, he asked for them!). Dang socks and underwear are expensive. I also was just a bit under $50, so got another pair of clearance panties for DD. I also want to get him a pair of jeans, but his size is so hard to find. We found a pair that was a tan color, that DD really thought he might like, but we weren't sure, so she texted him a pic and asked! He said yes. I decided to go back on Tuesday and use my $10 towards them. They are Levi's brand, so a bit pricey. When we got home I was checking my emails (my email address for coupons, online shopping etc). I guess I hadn't checked it in a few days and found a $10 Kohl's reward! Now I have $20 in Kohl's cash towards the jeans. Nice.

Then we went to Target, mostly to just do some regular shopping, but we got the dogs some new collars for their stockings. I found a belt (I had none that fit me!), so now I can wear the new jeans I got online that are a little loose in the waist. We shopped some deals to get some $5 Target gift cards and I ended up with 3 of them (and had one from last week that I used towards my total yesterday). When we went grocery shopping during my lunch break on Friday I stopped and got our mail on the way and there was some nice coupons from the grocery store we were headed to. $10 off $50 - 2 coupons, one for this week and one for next. That was a nice surprise to get those good coupons.

The vet bill ended up being a little more than the $200 I budgeted. Turns out the pup has/ or had fleas, apparently and he's allergic to them. That's probably what was causing the yelping out - the bites hurt. She didn't actually find any fleas on him, but "flea dirt". He got his annual vaccinations needed, a pill to pretty much instantly get rid of the fleas and an injection to help with the itching. He has hardly scratched since. Then she told me the flea treatment I had bought a couple of months ago to try was NOT good - stay away from it and use either Frontline or Advantage. My bill with the vet was $168. We went to Petsmart after and got 2 months dosage for both dogs and that added another $62 to my total. But, pup is much better now and I haven't even had to give him the benadryl I had been giving him every morning.

Today we are off to do a little more shopping. Still some things I need at Walmart (that are just way cheaper then the grocery store) and we want to go check out this little bird feed store. Might find something DH would like for our yard and maybe a little gift for my mom's boyfriend. He really enjoys the birds in his yard. Plus in the mail was a coupon for 20% off a regular priced item and a free sample bag of bird seed. I also want to go to Joann's to see if they have more of the garland I had bought. Two strings were just not quite enough for the area I did up high above the shelf. I have a 20% off any total purchase, including sale price. Usually the only Joann's coupons I ever find are off one regularly priced item.

I still can't get on my state's healthcare exchange website. Down for maintenance every time I try to log on. What a joke. They sure do a lot of "scheduled maintenance"....during the day. You'd think they could do "scheduled maintenance" during the middle of the night.  That's how we do it where I work...just sayin...


  1. I love when you get a coupon and a deal to match up!
    I think we can add the AFA exchanges to all those fine top 10 govt. programs, can't we? *snort*

  2. Iam really excited about Joann's coupon too. I want to check out their upholstery fabric this week!

    1. I wish I knew how to re-do upholstery! That and cake decorating...haha!
