Wednesday, April 17, 2013

He's on his way!!

My son is finally on his way home to us! He has been away for over 4 months and will be home later tonight. I CANNOT wait to see him! I have so missed his smile and his laugh and his easy going manner. I am making cupcakes today (he does not like cake, but will eat cupcakes - go figure) and bought some frosting to squeeze on top of the regular frosting so I can write WELCOME HOME - a letter for each cupcake :-)

I'm taking tomorrow as a vacation day just so we can all hang out together. He gets in late so I'm sure he'll be sleeping in just to catch up on the long flight and time change adjustment, but it will be great just knowing he's under my roof again and in his bed.  It will be a nice homecoming, that's for sure.


  1. So happy for you. Hope he was able to take some lovely pictures that he will let you share.

  2. Very nice. You two have a great time.

  3. Wohoo! It's awesome! Enjoy your time together!

  4. Enjoy and don't crack the poor boys ribs on a hug! Lol

  5. That is great news, I am so happy for you!!! Enjoy!!!

  6. Awwww, momma will have both her peeps at home! :-) Bet you are super-excited! I'm sure he is, too! Have a great day together!
