Thursday, January 2, 2025

Relaxing days off

I'm getting my grocery order added online. Geez! The price of 18 organic eggs is now over $10. We're switching back to regular eggs, for the time being, I guess. My remaining hen is not helping, with no egg laying, haha. (The powers that be really do not want us eating healthy, do they?)

I'm very much enjoying my time off work. Not looking forward to next Monday, so far. But, I'll get back into the swing of it, soon enough, I imagine. My goal is still to retire at the end of 2030. 

I've been doing lots of reading. Finally, one e-book I had on reserve came available. As soon as I got started on that, 3 more, in the last few days, have become ready to borrow. Now I'm swamped with too much to read. I will finish the first one today and get started on the next one. 

Yesterday I realized I overpaid the GI doctors office by $34. They sent me a statement dated 12/2 for that amount. Then a week later I got another statement for $108. I added the 2 up and paid online, not realizing that the $34 was included in the 2nd statement. Who sends out statements weekly? LOL. Plus, when you log in to pay, it doesn't show your balance owing, or I would have caught it, then. Well, I'll owe them more after next Thursday, so I'll fix it then. At least it wasn't a large amount.

I see my side job check is in the mail today - it was supposedly mailed on Tuesday - last month it took 8 days to get here! 

I don't really expect 2025 to have any major changes or events going on.  Well, unless we get disturbing news about dh's endoscopy/pancreas - but I have a feeling they are going to say he now has chronic pancreatitis. Not good news, of course, but could be worse. (the MRI results said nothing typical showing of cancer). He hasn't needed any of the anti nausea med in the last couple of weeks, so that's good, too.

DD and SIL will be getting started on their house build this year. That will be exciting, but much easier to just be a bystander for it :)


  1. Your poor chicken really needs a friend. They are very social creatures. She's been alone for quite a while. I'll bet someone would be willing to add her to their flock and then you could start over in the spring with some new chicks.

  2. I kept checking informed delivery for the death certificates from hubby's passing. Then I got a call one day from the funeral home about something else, and they told me they are the ones that get them. So I stopped checking for that on mine. But I've had to call twice now to the funeral home. They finally called the capital and found out they were mailed initially on 12/5! I should have had them over three weeks ago! So they're mailing them out again today. I have SO MUCH PAPERWORK to do that is dependent on having those.

  3. I checked and my knees are 24" high when using the machine.

    1. that's going to be close - the underside of my desk is at 25". thanks for checking!

  4. If you have to go to Albertsons you might check their price on eggs. Last time I bought eggs they were on sale at Safeway for $5 something. They were farmer boy brand which is a Montana company that my dil helped get a grant for to expand his business. She’s been to his ranch and says his chickens are running all over the place and “it was scary” lol. I don’t know if they are organic, but they really truly are free range.


  5. I laughed reading about your digital books. That is always the way it happens, weeks without any books, and then a bunch all at once.

    1. Exactly! I have like 3 to read and one audio book and now I'm so behind LOL
