Monday, January 27, 2025

A different kind of mayo

We got the 2 lights installed yesterday afternoon and the back wall loft ceiling is all done. Those lights are a PITA to put up. I don't know how he got the others up by himself. The 2nd one went in easier and lined up good, but then he realized he forgot to pre-drill the holes in the frame on that one. I think I cussed under my breath a bit on that LOL. Hopefully he will rest for a few days. He sure wasn't feeling very well last night and he didn't sleep well, which in turn makes me not sleep well. 

Other than that I just did some light chores. Ran and emptied the dishwasher. Emptied out all the small wastebaskets. I was tired (and sore from holding my arms up) after helping with the lights so I took a short nap. After that I made the banana cream pie. Yum. We had some for dessert last night. Using the sugar free pudding mix makes for a low calorie dessert.

I went out to add some more bedding to the chicken coop and found my first egg since September. Go Gladys! LOL. Hopefully she'll start laying a few a week, again. I've decided if I can find a couple of hens, already grown, I will get them. I don't want to deal with chicks and then have to get supplies and feed, etc just for them. I'll have to start keeping my eye out on Marketplace and Craigslist.

A couple of our friends (one a retired nurse) have suggested we have dh and his faulty pancreas checked out by Mayo Clinic. This might be a good idea. Like friend said - the pancreas is nothing to mess around with and if it takes a turn for the worse, it always seems to happen fast. At a minimum it sounds like they can review all his tests/chart records and see if there is anything else they think should be checked. He's met his OOP max for this year, so anything else is now covered 100%. If we had to go there, for him to be seen, it sounds like they are very efficient with your time there. Plus, dh has been wanting to do a trip to MN, to see the farm his dad grew up on (he went there once as a kid), that apparently a cousin still owns part of. 

HAHA! My phone just rang and it was from my bank, in the city, and I'm thinking oh oh! what's the problem? I forgot - they call and wish their customers a Happy Birthday. LOL. 

I'm having issues with my work email - suddenly this morning all my sent/reply emails, the screen is really small. I think I sorta fixed it, but it still feels off. So annoying. Why would it even change in the first place?


  1. May I ask how far the Mayo clinic is located from you? And yes, that is an excellent idea to get other opinions. After all, we are the only ones that can properly look after our own health!

    1. it would be a 2 day drive from where we are - to either MN or their AZ clinic

  2. Happy Birthday! Here’s to a great year.
    -Meg B.

  3. happy birthday!! I second going to the Mayo - long drive but worth it and it can be broken up.

    1. thanks! I think it will be very worth getting a second opinion, especially for something as serious as the pancreas.

  4. Happy Birthday!! I would want a second opinion. My husband went through a scary situation from Nov 23 until May 24 and it was the second opinion we got from a doctor we know that made all the difference to his care.

    1. Thanks! I agree, the pancreas is kind of scary to have problems with, especially when they don't seem to know what is causing it/what to do

  5. Your friend's suggestion of the Mayo Clinic sounds good to me if you can afford it. Oh and happy birthday from France!

    1. Thanks! we've met our insurance out of pocket max for the year for dh already, due to the endoscopy procedure, so any other medical bills for him for the rest of this year will be covered 100%. We'd just have to cover the travel cost, of course.
