Sunday, January 12, 2025

I'm done (for)

I powered through yesterday and got all the staining done. Here's the stacks that awaited me and you can't see 3 piles of smaller cut boards on the other side of that post - he had that heavy post on the long 12' pieces to keep from warping as much as possible as they dry out (the lumber yard keeps the lumber in an enclosed area, but it's open on both ends of the building).

When I got about halfway done, he then brought out 3 more stacks of short boards he had set somewhere else! I was like "well that's rude!" LOL.

We got started at 11am and it took me almost 4 hours (we took a quick break for lunch). My back didn't start bothering me until about the last 15 minutes, so that was good, but then it was done for and I spent the rest of the evening on the heating pad. All this for only one "section" of the ceiling under the loft, LOL. Still one more section, I think about this size and then another section that is much smaller. He has to get this done in order to get the lights put up.

I didn't feel like spending too much time in the kitchen standing, making dinner, so I just put some of the pre-seasoned frozen salmon in the oven and some garlic bread heated up and that was quick and easy.

I slept good last night and an extra half hour, so hopefully I am back to full energy today. So far, my back feels ok and recovered. Usually that's all it takes, is just some rest, thankfully.

While I was waiting for dh to get up/ready yesterday I spent the time on my computer, getting caught up with saving my medical receipts/eobs to pdf and getting them uploaded into my HSA account. I had done everything through dh's 10/15 ER visit, but hadn't done all the claims for the subsequent dr visit/endoscopy/MRI in November and December. Plus I had a few OTC receipts to add. I also realized that an OTC item I just bought is eligible for HSA, so I went back and found 4 more online purchase receipts from the past couple of years and added a total of $70 for that. 

No extra plans today - hopefully just a bunch of relax time. I need to figure out what I'm going to make for dinner. I think I'll do the chicken/rice/veggies casserole, so I need to get some chicken out of the freezer - like right now! LOL


  1. Wow. That is A BIG pile of boards to stain.
    I keep those pre seasoned salmon packs on hand for when I don’t care to cook as well. If I don’t have those, I almost always have whole, unseasoned salmon filet on hand, thaw them in the counter, and bake in a foil tent on a cookie sheet seasoned with lime juice, butter, (or olive oil) oregano, thyme, garlic powder and pepper. I have also used bottled marinades and simply brushed that over the filet. 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven, and dinner is ready!
    DH wants to watch football today so we had our Sunday roast dinner ( turkey breast) yesterday. I think we will have turkey pot pie with the leftovers tonight which he will no doubt want to eat in front of the tv. I generally frown on that. Actually, I can’t stand it. (I also can’t stand football.) I have a hard rule that food can be eaten only at the kitchen counter, kitchen table or dining room table. But today I feel like I will let it slide. It’s rare that I do that, and actually, everyone except DH will probably wind up serving themselves and taking their plates to the table and sitting.
    Enjoy your Sunday…and if there are nonsensical words in any of my comments, please forgive me. My laptop needs a hard factory reset which I have been putting off, so I am on a device which has a very proprietary autocorrect, and I don’t always catch the errors! I noticed that in my last comment!
    -Meg B.

    1. Turkey pot pie sounds good! I really need to buy some better salmon and just season it myself. They say wild caught is much healthier than the farm raised kind.

  2. I am glad your back only hurt for a short time, and that you are better. I would have gotten something out of freezer, too, probably poultry of some kind. When will you stain more? Do you skip a day or more after making your back hurt to get it good and well?

    1. DH isn't sure when he'll go back and get the boards for another section. Probably will wait until next week now, since he had his endoscopy this week. Usually with my back, a few hours rest helps a lot, if not then overnight and next day it's usually fine again.
