Monday, November 18, 2024


Back to Monday. I'm counting the days until next Tuesday LOL. After that I have a week off :) 

We got back to playing pool this weekend. Since before our cruise we had only played once. After we got home from the cruise we were sick with Covid, then the lingering exhaustion for weeks. Then dh got sick with his stomach issue. He can be a poor looser 😆

I finished the book I was reading yesterday morning. The other e-book that was ready to borrow is about intermittent fasting, so not as fun to read, haha. One thing I got out the the book, kind of unrelated to fasting, is most coffee sold has chemicals and mold in it. I did not know that. While I only drink one cup a day, the thought of putting chemicals and mold into my body isn't very appetizing. I've decided to order a bag of chemical/toxin and mold free coffee to give a try. It's expensive, but since I only drink one cup a day, I think it would be worth the bit of extra cost per day.

DAN finally came and took away his little excavator from lot 5. It's all a mystery LOL. I'm not sure if he also took down the realtor's big for sale sign on a tree, but maybe his sale for this lot was on a delayed closing for some reason. The state's property website still shows him as the owner of this lot, while he supposedly sold both lots at the same time last July, the other lot shows in the new owners names, for the past few months. His out of state house is still not sold....he's into his 4th year of trying to sell it now. Just crazy. This insane length of time on the market for a nice home has to have people who see the listing wonder what the heck is wrong with it, that it has been on the market over 3 years now. The only reasons I can guess why it has not sold is it's still way too high priced and zero landscaping in a nice subdivision of homes on an acre with some water view. Next spring should be interesting around here, if we have 3 homes being built. The couple that owns lot 6 (for the past 5 years) are also supposed to start building next year.

I sure hope the propane guy shows up tomorrow to install the garage heater, like he says he will. I'm not holding my breath, though. Obviously now that it's cold out, emergency calls to fix people's heating takes priority, but at least message us if you aren't coming!


  1. There’s a house on this lane that has been in the market since before we moved in here, summer of 2022. Reason: it’s waaay overpriced, and on only 2 acres in a 5(+) area. He is asking as much as places on 5 acres with ocean view. He finally took the sign down, and I am told it’s because he was informed that the longer something stays on the market the less likely it is to sell. He still won’t lower the price, though, leaving us all shaking our heads.
    And you said the “D”. Hahahaha.
    I have been waiting for a while to get blinds installed on 5 windows. The order process was annoying enough…go to store, scan code, schedule measurement, go back to store, order product, pick up product (or have installer pick up product) wait for installation to schedule….aaaargj) I have already had several hiccups, for instance, I paid for my blinds, then got an email from another person asking me to tell her what product I wanted so she could give me an estimate. I almost cancelled the whole thing at that, but I think it got worked out. Now, I am waiting for installation to call, and that will be a while. With the economy good, we are in a huge labor shortage right now, so it’s been very hard to get work scheduled.
    Hope your husband feels better soon. Have a great week. We’re in what I call “The Big Dark,” where I need to combat it with what I call “The Big Cozy.” Up early, afternoons close to the hearth, woodstove fires, candles and early bedtimes. can’t imagine putting in your hours too! You amaze me.

    1. I'm glad we (and by that I mean DH, LOL) were able to install all our blinds ourselves. We'd probably still be waiting!

  2. The rock yard is probably the greatest offender!

    1. That's what dh thinks as well. He doesn't even have a paved driveway! and like I said this in a nice subdivision. Zillow shows most of the homes values at around $500-$600k, but these other homes are landscaped and paved driveways. I know his place has an HOA (they told us about it, when they first bought these lots) and I can't believe it wouldn't have covenants saying they must have a paved driveway.

  3. The same thing happens here in the UK.
    A house will come on the market that you can see is overpriced and it sits there, month after month.
    An estate agent will know how to price it but the owners think they know better and because they think their house is better than everyone else's they refuse to lower the price.
    I look at our local house sales almost daily and the same ones come up till - FINALLY !! - the price is reduced which makes me laugh; I imagine a furious seller having to bite the bullet and agree the price that the estate agent told them was the correct one months ago.
    But then the house has had so much exposure that the public are fed up with it and it eventually has to go for even less!

    1. Yep! I can even imagine being so stubborn (ie DAN) that you can't figure it out after over 3 years. I have a feeling all his neighbors of that house are having a laugh, as well.

  4. I sure hope the technician comes over today!

    1. DH is up and waiting for him...he texted again last night that he was coming today. Fingers crossed.
