Monday, September 2, 2024

The cat who's name can't be pronounced

Yesterday did not go at all, as planned. What I had planned was a bunch of relaxing nothing. 

Amos was outside in the morning for about an hour or so. When I let him back in I noticed he was limping and then noticed his left paw was a bit swollen. We tried to check it out, but he wasn't being very cooperative (ie he's a cat). I continued on with my shower and he was in the rocking chair he likes to rest in and the paw was a bit more swollen and a drop of blood coming from the top of his paw. I decided to take him into the emergency vet, so I got dressed off we went.

(Little did I know I crossed paths with Mrs Neighbor - who had just left the emergency vet. She did decide to take her old/sick dog there to be euthanized, instead of waiting until her appointment with our regular vet on Tuesday)

They got us in really quickly and the vet was suspecting maybe an abscess because his whole leg had edema, but she wouldn't be able to tell unless the put the can under anesthesia and shaved the area. She came back with the low/high estimate, depending on what she found, or didn't find. I had to pay the low estimate of $360 as a deposit. The high estimate was $850, which included an xray.

They told me it would be 2-3 hours, if I wanted to go home and come back. I said no, I live an hour away, I'll just go run errands and then hang out until he's ready. I decided to go to Ross and TJ Maxx to see if I could find myself a new lightweight open/cardigan type sweater. Ross was a dump (as this one always is) so then I went to TJ Maxx. So much nicer and cleaner. I didn't find a sweater, but I did pick up dh a lightweight rain jacket with a hood for $20 to have when we are in ports in Alaska, if it's raining.

Then I decided to try Target for a sweater. Nothing there either, but I picked up the 2 12packs of Mountain Dew we are taking on the cruise for dh, a lunchable for me to eat, some travel sized hand sanitizer and travel sized Downy wrinkle release spray. As I was doing that, the vet called (it had only been an hour) and said they were done and I could pick him up in a half hour. So, I got my stuff paid for and then stopped and filled up the gas tank, as otherwise it would have been getting really low by the time I got back home.

She said they found kind of an abscess, and drained it, but it didn't look like a normal abscess (whatever that means) so she decided to do an xray just to make sure nothing was broken or crushed, but that came back normal, thankfully.  Through IV they gave him some long acting antibiotic, anti inflammatory and pain med. They also sent me home with some anti inflammatory/pain med to give him once a day, starting this afternoon.

The total came to $650, so I guess not as bad as it could have been and honestly before they gave me the estimate I was expecting this to cost over $1000. Time to get the "pet emergency" fund built back up :/ I got home around 4pm, so about 5 hours in total, including driving there and back.

The swelling is gone. His paw is a bit red/blood stained looking. He wanted outside all evening, LOL. (He can't go out until it's healed). I kept him up in my office for the night. His paw looks a little better this morning and no apparent limp. He's been eating and drinking and just had his morning treats. Now he's off in the corner of my office sleeping.

No idea what could have happened to him in that hour or so he was outside yesterday morning. DH was wondering snake bite? At first we thought maybe a bee sting, but I don't think that would have bled, just swelled up. Did he get bit or scratched by something he was hunting and then it abscessed? 

Has nobody seen or heard the name Amos before? His regular vet can't pronounce it right, this vet tech did the same. Plus they must not have been able to read my writing (I have good handwriting, LOL) and wrote it down as Amas. They all want to pronounce it with a short A,  A-mose. I always say no, it's A(long A) Famous Amos cookies.....LOL. When you read him mentioned in my blog, how do you pronounce it? haha.


  1. For Amos (long A always!), it is just so odd no one can pronounce his name. From this and prior entries, I thought Amos was shor a longer name. Until today I had no idea it was Amos people had trouble with.

    Always great to see pictures of your boy. We just had to say final goodbyes to our diabetic senior cat, so glad Amos is thriving despite the injured paw.

  2. I would pronounce it properly! Glad Amos [Ay’ muss] is better! The Ross north of us is a mess as well. Youngest and I were in the area school shopping for him. He needed a new pair of athletic shoes new pair of shoes, so I suggested checking it out since it was right next door to the Old Navy we had just been in. Well, we walked in, took a Quick Look around and walked right back out again. We couldn’t even bear to be in there!

  3. I pronounce it Long a for first vowel, schwa for second vowel--uh--A mus.
    Maybe it was something trying to get him.
    I am in a snit because the weather girl cannot pronounce the name Cullman. How is it so hard?

    1. Whenever we get a new weather person, it seems like it takes forever for them to learn the names!

      Hodgenville = hodge-en-ville
      They said Hod - gen - ville (like the g in get)

      Canmer = can-mur
      They said cam-nur

      Legrande = Lee-grand emphasis on the first vowel
      They said leGRAND. We're south central KY, not France.

  4. Definitely Aye-moss.
    Such a beautiful cat, living his best life with a very caring family.

  5. Maybe he is the one who tangled with the bat and got his infection that way. Good thing he has his shots because bats can carry infections.

    1. I think the bat was gotten by the chicken in the coop. Amos never hangs out around the coop and the injury he got happened during the hour or so he was out Sunday morning. We found the bat Saturday morning.

  6. I am amazed at the things people don't know. Yes, when I read his name, I mentally pronounce it correctly. My mother always had trouble with her name. I remember one conversation, she was on the phone, and she said, "My name is Phyllis." And then she said, "No, Phyllis." They had said, "Joyce?" I don't even know how that happened. Ironically, her sisters name was Joyce. I understand them maybe not being able to spell it, but to even repeat it after being told?
