Thursday, September 5, 2024

it's packing time

I found my old pair of glasses. For some reason I put them in a bathroom drawer and not even in a case. So, now they are set aside (in a case!) to be packed.

We had some work connectivity issues yesterday afternoon and I lost my connection for awhile, so I started getting out the clothes I want to pack. Last fall, when we booked the trip, dd sent me a link to some packing compression bags she used so I ordered them. Well, they seem annoying, LOL, I was trying to figure out how best to pack in them so I watched a youtube video. I found one that did 4 side by side video comparisons: packing just regular, rolling clothes, in a compression bag and in compression cubes. Well, good grief - each method ended up with pretty much the same room left in the suitcase! and with the compression bags she couldn't even get the last bag in her suitcase, LOL. Plus the good old regular way took half the time. I'm just going to skip the compression bags and do a combination of rolling and folding. DD also said she found with just doing the good old regular way of folding and rolling she had much more spots to tuck small items in, compared to using the bags.

This morning I see in my informed delivery both the property tax refund check and dh's prescription will be delivered today. The part for his truck ( a tire sensor) is in and the guy will replace it this morning, after we drop off the truck for a couple hours. I'll have to follow him in there, so he has a ride back home and then we're supposed to be able to pick it up in a couple hours. So, I'll have to take like 30 minutes off work twice today. I started a bit earlier today, plus part of it will just be my lunch break.

We now think we will drive over to DD's on Saturday instead of Sunday. Miss the Sunday coming home from camping pass traffic, hopefully. Plus then we'll get a little extra time with her and SIL.


  1. I am so glad your cheque is coming before you leave. I cannot believe the cruise is almost here already! Hopefully peg leg Amos (lol!)does well on the drive

    1. I'm sure Amos won't like it, but he'll survive :)

  2. Does Amos pay attention to his shaved leg? Lie on that side or favor the other for lying? Does he lick the bare leg as usual?

    I have always wondered about those bags for packing. If I were going to use bags for anything, I would probably use Ziploc gallon storage bags to put things in. My Rafaella outfits are all pants and tops. They are so slippery that they would shift around. These outfits do not wrinkle, so that would not be a problem. It is good to hear your thoughts. So, I think I will save my money for now.

    Congrats on check, glasses, and meds. I know that lessens the stress of getting ready/packed.

    1. He's not paying anymore attention to the shaved leg now that it's already all healed up. No limp or favoring the other leg. Back to normal. I am also bringing a little spray bottle of downy wrinkle release - that stuff works great for getting wrinkles out of clothes.

  3. The thing I like about the packing cubes is that I put all the 'like' things together. Those things are easier to find and grab if I don't have to dig for them. Hubby's underwear and socks go in one. My underwear, socks, and bras go in one. All the swimwear and lightweight towels in one. It's not so much about saving space as it is organization. I liken it to having bins and crates in a pantry.

    1. I wish I would have gotten the cubes. Those seem like they would pack better/more even, then the compressed bags. Once we get in our cabin, we'll be able to unpack into the drawers and closets, so that'll make getting to everything easier during the week.

    2. Alice,
      Organization would be more what I would want them for than compression.

  4. I do a fair bit of overnight travelling and I've found rolling clothes works very well and seems to leave them crease free too.
    I'm happy to hear Amos is recovered - I'm a bit of a cat fan!

    1. I'm very relieved his injury or whatever caused it, ended up being fairly minor and healed quickly.
