Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Still looking

I still haven't found my old pair of glasses. I've found every other old pair, LOL, but not my last pair. What in the world did I do with them? If I don't find them to have as backup, I guess I just hope I don't break mine. In all my years I never have, but you know.....I do have my prescription sunglasses I will have with me. I can walk around the cruise ship looking like a movie star, if I break my normal glasses, haha.

Amos is doing fine. I did attempt to give him the last anti inflammatory/pain pill yesterday. He had figured out that nonsense and ate right around the teeny tiny pill mixed in with the wet food. Oh well. He doesn't appear to be in pain and has no swelling. He's being feisty and wants outside. His left leg is shaved all the way up to his elbow. Dh keeps calling him "peg leg".

The neighbor down at the end of our street texted me and Mrs. that they are taking care of her parents dog for a week..."she's old and slow, but if you see her wandering down your way, text me". My first thought was you've been entrusted with care of this dog for a week and you are just going to let her wander an area she isn't familiar with, not to mention a 2 lane 60mph road on one side of your property. How about you make sure she is always watched if she is outside......

My half sis is stressing and struggling with her step dad. 92 years old, broken pelvis, that isn't healing and the hospital sent him home. Not once in his 6 or so weeks in the hospital did she or her sister in law ever even get to talk to a doctor! Can you even imagine?! They had to find out from a nurse yesterday that he has prostate cancer that has spread to his bones. He insisted on going home last week as of course he thinks he can take care of himself. Of course he can't and he's not doing well. Sis lives 2 hours from him and her sister in law and her dh, live an hour from him. Not easy at all for them to provide any kind of daily care. He keeps refusing having help come in. I doubt he will last much longer. Very sad.


  1. That is so sad about your sister and her step dad. If they think he is not cognitively impaired, they will return him home - I am surprised they were not able to speak with a doctor in 6 weeks though, especially if someone did visit him frequently. However, Canadian healthcare has been gutted and there is little support for patients. As for Amos, sneaky guy! And the senior dog, sounds like she enjoys an adventure so yes they should keep an eye on her - doesn't sound like she's hard to catch before she would wander off!

    1. he's not impaired, and said he wanted to go home, so they just sent him home. It sure sounds like there is very little support from the healthcare :(

  2. Maybe bring one of those little eyeglass repair kits and a roll of tape just in case your glasses break?

    1. I found my old my bathroom drawer. Why I put it there I have no idea - I didn't even put it in a case! What was I thinking? LOL

  3. Oh goodness! Where on earth (state?) does your sister live that this kind of care is given. How can you not speak to a doctor in 6 weeks of hospital care? And to find out about the cancer from a nurse? And sending home with a broken pelvis? It seems he should have gone to the 'step down' care first (where they have them stay in a nursing home environment until they can go to their home). So many questions!

    1. Canada. I had so many questions too! Like why didn't he go to a rehab/nursing place in between hospital and home, like they typically do here.

  4. I have a couple of pairs of those cheapo glasses (basically magnifying glasses) that you can buy in the supermarket dotted about everywhere and in my backpack just in case!

    1. I wish that's all I needed! I'm half blind without my glasses and cannot see far away. Well....both far and near/reading now that I'm old, LOL

    2. Same here, but far distance is so that I can drive without glasses. Plus, strength in L and R are different and I have different degrees of astigmatism!
