Friday, September 27, 2024

Back to slow internet

Taking a break from the cruise posts, today. Because I barely have internet. It's been really slow for 2 days now. I can hardly work, it's so slow. I called my phone company first thing this morning and after the tech having me do a speed test that wouldn't even register 1Mpbs, she was like OMG - you basically have no internet! So, she had to escalate it to a tier 2 technician level and 3 hours later I'm still waiting for a call back. Usually they are quick to call back, so makes me wonder if lots of people are having issues.

Also, I can't remember if I mentioned or not, but since day 1 dh's new computer has been intermittently running the fan super loud. It will sound like the computer is about to blow up. I called a couple days ago and talked to a Dell technician who tried having me update the Bios firmware. That has not fixed it. The fan went off last night and again this morning. Now it sounds like they will be sending me a packing box to return it, for repair, and then they will return it via overnight, asap. Wonderful. NOT.

DH got a fever again last night. Two weeks of this now. It's getting old. This morning he doesn't have a fever. But we are still both coughing, though most nights I manage to sleep without coughing, so that is good.

I'm supposed to watch our company quarterly meeting at 3pm, for like 2 hours. I'm hoping I have good enough connection to watch it. I may have to watch it from my phone data. I also hope that isn't when the technician decides to call me back. I think the meetings are recorded, so I can watch later, if necessary.

I'm glad it's Friday. I'm ready to be done with this week.

UPDATE: Well, I feel totally stupid! It was dh's new computer doing the sync/back up to Microsoft OneDrive that was using ALL the bandwith. I should have realized that. As soon as I put it on pause, my internet speed was all back to normal. Now I just have to figure out if there is a way to have it sync on a schedule and do it overnight, while sleeping, instead of when we are trying to work/use the internet. At least it was an easy/quick fix for the tech guy to figure out.


  1. Oh man I hope they sort this out for you, grrr. I hope you get lots of rest this weekend.

    1. see my above update - it was my own stupidity LOL
