Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Let's try this again

Ok! We have sold our house - again....Let's hope this one goes ok.  Ended up with a full price offer, and no "allowance" back to them to help with their closing costs, so ending up with $6k more than we accepted last time.

The inspection is already scheduled for this afternoon, so it appears this lady is on the ball. Closing date is scheduled for 8/25. Just waiting to get past the inspection and appraisal and then we will breathe easier.

Feeling like we just passed a big hurdle in getting towards our dream goal.


  1. Hope it works out this time!

  2. Great News! I have good feeling about this one.

  3. If it runs smoothly, it was meant to be. Don't fight the force.
    Wishing you only the best, best, best in life and your future!!!!!
    Good luck.
    God bless!

  4. They do seem like they want the home (no traveling out of the country tour) and everything goes smoothly for your family. Cheryl

    1. yes, she really does want it. We just talked to her again, while she was here for inspection and she's so excited about it.

  5. Hopefully this one is a done deal! She seems to really want it! I haven't heard of someone scheduling an inspection so fast!!! Good luck!

  6. Thinking about this as I read your post today. I wonder if you'll look back one day and say oh, this is why that happened the way it did. Now you can get the other house and land if I understand correctly and the next move will be to eventually get your dream house built. Plus the bonus of getting away from crazy neighbors!
    Take care.

  7. well done, fingers, toes and everything else crossed it all goes well.
