Thursday, July 14, 2016

Just sad

Life is making me very sad right now.  I'm trying to figure out why there are even such creatures as "lenders". There is a complete disconnect between what lenders say and know compared to what underwriters say and know. Pre-approval letters mean absolutely squat. (as our buyers discovered too).  Every single lender I have talked with acts like this will be no problem at all. What is the point of them, when the underwriter makes the decisions. It's a really stupid system.  Not to mention bottom line of it all - the mortgage I am asking for is less per month than I have been paying, for years, with no problems.  All the info I give the lender for my financials? well, none of the facts change when it goes to the underwriter. Seems like they could have a much better system to make the "pre approval" process much more accurate.

I was still working with a lender on the land loan part. Friday she seemed pretty confident it was going to go through. Yesterday she tells me no. And get this - if I had applied a week earlier, it would have gone through. Their underwriting changed their policy the week before that they will now only make loans 7 years past bankruptcy. Their previous policy had been 5 years. One week!

And then the other day one of our dogs found a baby bunnies nest under a bush under our kitchen window. Looks like they had probably just been born in the last day or two. DH put a bit of chicken wire up between the bush and the house, so the dogs couldn't get their paws and noses back in there, but momma bunny could still get to them no problem. We have been keeping an eye on them for past few days. So cute and tiny. Cutest little things. Well, apparently last night one of our barn cats found them and got them (saw one cat go there twice, on the camera). No baby bunnies left and the poor momma bunny just keeps sitting out on the grass in front of the bush wondering where her babies are. It's making me so sad.

The last 2 showings of our home scheduled turned out to be no shows. Monday's showing the realtor showed up, but not her clients. Our camera system shows this to be the case, but when our realtor asked for feedback from her (before knowing they didn't show up) she lied and said they were still considering it and still looking at other houses.  Tuesday's appointment just didn't flat show up. By that one I was mad. It's not like I'm at work, so not home anyway and no big deal. We have to take the dogs with us. I knew the appt was at 1pm, so I went into work early, left at 11:30. We left the house at 10 min before 1pm and waited over in a parking lot for almost an hour. Thankfully we have camera's to see on our phone or we'd never know when it was ok to go back. Finally we just said that was long enough time to give them.

DH's truck is having brake problems, so until he can get it into the dealer, he doesn't want to drive it until it's fixed and we don't want to fork out the money right now. So, I need to be here when we have a showing, so we can leave in my car. (plus his truck is all lifted up and hard for dogs to get into). I have no problem working my schedule around whenever it's most convenient that someone wants to come look. I have not rescheduled any of the showings or told them it needed to be a more convenient time for me. But, I draw the line at not even having the common courtesy to let us know they aren't coming. Completely rude. I'm not going to make our dogs sit in the car for more than an hour, for no reason. Plus, I lost an hour of work that I have to make up.

We had set up our showings so that the realtors contacted our realtor as to what time they wanted to come (with 2 hours notice) and she would let me know the time. Yesterday I told her I wanted to change it to having the agent's call me direct to schedule (we were offered that in the beginning but I didn't do it that way). That way I can ask them to please call or text me if they are going to be very late or aren't coming at all. And if we are gone and sitting there waiting and they aren't showing, I at least have their phone number to call them up and ask if they need more time to arrive.

And we decided no more leaving before the agent gets here. Most all of them have been at least 15 minutes late or give us a 30 min window of when they will arrive. When they show up, we'll get in our car and leave.

These buyers agents are making their commission off of the sellers (me)! They could at least be courteous enough to let you know they aren't coming. Obviously, people's plans can change, but a simple call isn't that hard. When I told my agent that I wanted to make the change to how appts are made she acted like I was blaming her. I said I know you can't control what they do, but I have no problem asking them to call or text me if plans change and I also would have no problem calling that one up from Tuesday and giving her a piece of my mind, as to her professionalism.

So, let's recap our last 4 showings: one had a kid who spent several minutes gang signing our camera, one stayed a total of 3 1/2 minutes, one's clients didn't show and the last a complete no show. Ugh.

I am just plain sick of people at this point. I even had my original lender (way back when we were first listed our house) tell me I should pay ($500) to have an inspection done on my house before listing, (and referred me to someone) so that anything found could be fixed and addressed. I almost did it! She was full of $%&. The buyers pay for the inspections (usually) and even if a seller has an inspection done, it's not likely that the buyers would trust that it's impartial and use it anyway, so from everything I read up on it, that would be a complete waste of money (unless maybe you had a house with a lot of problems to begin with). So, most likely she was just trying to send business to someone she knew who does inspections.


  1. Sorry you have to go thru this. Keep thinking that some day this will be over. Have you found your debit card? I hope so.

    1. Thanks Carole. It'll all get figured out one way or another. No, didn't find my dang debit card.

  2. I know you don't want to hear this but this happens all the time. We had two couples back out on one house. People who buy want everything and don't want to pay anything. Relax as much as you can. Get your financing done and then start looking again. Some day you will laugh about this and wonder how you survived. We had a couple ask for our used shower curtain once, they baled on us. Cheryl

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience and advice. I'll keep working at it. A shower curtain?! LOL

    2. Remember it was used and the kind you might buy at a JC Penneys store. They also wanted the curtains that matched the bedspreads to my step-daughters beds. These people were crazy. Can't remember why they backed out but it must have been good. You will laugh, I promise. People are crazy, nutty, and just plain rude sometimes. Cheryl

  3. Sorry, but I can't read your blog anymore.
    Why people create such stress in their lives, befuddles me.
    As a woman who has bought and sold multiple properties over my lifetime this is what I learned (which I told you weeks ago: NEVER GO TO A BANK! FIND A MORTGAGE BROKER. They do all the leg work to find you a lender. They run your credit ONCE and then go out and earn their pay. They will find you the money. PERIOD! DONE!
    Lastly, if the buying and the selling don't run smoothly THEN IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE. Why of why do you keep fighting the force???? Move on.
    I did.

    1. I'm sorry you can't read my blog anymore. You certainly don't have to read it. Everyone handles life's experiences differently. The "lender" that just approved us to buy the little house was a BROKER. To me they are all "lenders", so I just used that term. Unfortunately she didn't have any lenders that do land loans and she had referred me to this other "lender", who, a week before my application changed their policy. I am glad you have had good experiences with real estate/mortgages etc. I have lived in the same home for 27 years, so haven't had much experience dealing with these types of people/companies. I'm sure it's a much easier experience when you have lots of equity/money to sell/purchase something new and haven't had a bankruptcy to add in the mix. We were just really wanting to get out of this drug infested area, thought we had enough equity and time past our bk to make this happen. Like you said, it's apparently not meant to be.

  4. I am so sorry with what you are having to go through. It sucks selling a house and is so stressful.

    1. Thanks Gill. It does suck, that's for sure! Even when we completely changed our plan to a much easier to accomplish plan (the small, cheap house and also the land) it's still apparently not going to work for us.

  5. When we go to sell our house I plan on doing a home inspection first (and paying for it myself) so I have the option to fix anything or lower my asking price to include the fixes needed. This should lower the risk of someone backing out of buying the home due to a failed home inspection (renegotiation).
    As far as showings go, most likely the realtor and client is going to see multiple properties within a couple hour window. This means if they are running late leaving from one showing they might be late to the next. That could explain why some show up late.
    Sorry you are going through this!

    1. I completely understand that their plans/schedule changes. I would just like to be able to request from them, when the call to make the appt, to give me a quick text or call if they aren't going to be able to make it. I don't think that's too much to expect of them. I haven't tried to have any of them work around my schedule at all. They tell me a time, I have made it work.

    2. You do realize, don't you, that in WA, at least, the buyer has 9 days from inspection (I think that is the time)from date of inspection to back out legally, with no need to give a reason? When this happens, people generally think "oh, bad inspection," but maybe they must found something better. There is another chance to back out too, but I cannot remember the circumstance. In any case, there are several legal ways a buyer can back out, but not so many for the seller. As you have no financing for a new place yet, I say consider yourself lucky your current place hasn't sold. Personally, I never got all hot and bothered about leaving when I sold. If it was convenient, we left, if not, we stayed. Norr did I care if the owners present when I bought. You canewrn a lot about a place by the people who currently live there, I think.

    3. The buyers waived a formal inspection. I have just been going by our agents instructions that we needed to leave and take dogs with us

  6. We're trying to sell my in-law's house - a lovely, clean, three bedroom ranch with central air, a remodeled kitchen, oversized garage, etc. It has been on the market for three months, and we have had a total of six showings. Yesterday we got an offer (asking $234,900). They offered $180,000! They were only putting $2,000 down (which the lender would refund at closing?), and wanted us to give them $500 toward a home inspection. We didn't even counter - they clearly can't afford the house and their offer was insulting. Just remember - you bought the house once - someone else will, too.

    1. oh my! that is insulting! I wouldn't even counter on that either. Good luck on selling the house! Hope you find a buyer soon. The house around the corner from us - the one that had been foreclosed several years ago, then this Spring bought and fixed up and listed - it still hasn't sold yet either. I'm thinking it's the neighborhood that is turning people off.
