Friday, August 8, 2014

Walmart Savings Catcher

Walmart has started a new program for price matching. I caught it on a commercial on TV last night. If you do your grocery shopping at Walmart y'all have GOT to try this! It couldn't be more simple.  Walmart will do all the price matching with local stores advertised prices on the items you purchase. If it is priced lower, in a competitors ad that is valid at the date of your purchase, you will be credited the difference in the form of a Walmart Rewards e-gift card.

I went and dug my receipt from last Saturday's grocery shopping trip out of my desk wastebasket.  I had spent $113. Signed in my Walmart account (I already had one from ordering things online). Entered the # off of my receipt and within several hours I had my total savings.  I was expecting maybe a couple of dollars. I checked my account right before I went to bed, to see if  it had been updated (even though it said you might have to wait 2-3 days, but I'm impatient like that!) and the total was $8.24!!! I was so happy and excited I couldn't fall asleep right away :-)

$8 bucks for having to do nothing but enter a receipt number. No more having to look at other stores ads and trying to get the cashiers to price match. You can enter up to 7 receipts a week and earn back up to $600 a year.  There is also an app to use with your smart phone.  What an awesome program.  Kudos to Walmart!


  1. I saw that too last night. Went to enter my receipt and it has to be within the last 7 days...crap, I was there 8/1! 1 day too late.

  2. Does your e gift card work for online purchases only or can you use it in store as well?

    1. You can use it online or print it out and use it at the store!

    2. Awesome that you can do both!

  3. Too bad they don't do this in Canada. That is a great program.
