Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So tired

We are so tired of the drug activity that just continues and continues. 54 ins and outs (cars, people walking with backpacks, people on bicycles with backpacks) day before last and almost the same yesterday. Just since between midnight last night and 11am this morning there were 16 cars passed by our house (remember, we live on a little dead end private road that serves 3 homes) and 4 walking.

DH has a scanner...the deputies and the lieutenant at the police station tell us to "keep calling the stuff in", but every time DH does he's met with less than helpful dispatchers...."what makes the person(s) suspicious?" Um....let's's 3 am.....they have backpacks on.......they don't live here....they've been in and out 3 times already, what more do you need? Then when they dispatch it he's reported on the scanner as "the same guy that always calls". Seriously?  The drug house that is kitty corner behind us has had a female outside screaming her head off at least 4 different times over the past few weeks (usually late at night). One time someone else in the neighborhood must have finally called it too (heard on scanner). The night before last she was outside screaming. So loud that 2 acres away we can hear her inside our house. After over a half hour of it DH calls to report it (like midnight). It finally gets dispatched some time later and Dh hears the cop report back that he was in the neighborhood and all was clear.....same time DH is hearing this over the scanner the female is still out there screaming! So, ya, cop lied and wasn't even in the area. After about 3 more hours of listening to it (I'm not kidding) DH calls to report it again. Then about 10 minutes later he calls back because he could see she got into the back bed of a pickup and as it was driving down the road, out the neighborhood she was still screaming. He's telling the dispatcher this and she's like "when did this happen?" It's happening right now as I'm on the phone to you! Good Grief! We found out she is the girl friend of one of the drug dealers that live in the house.Yesterday afternoon, before I got home from work, she started in AGAIN. DH calls to report it. He had the cordless phone out in the back yard and says "can you hear it?" and they reply, "we don't need to hear it" and they put him on hold for a few minutes and they come back on the line and say "well, if anything changes let us know" What the heck does that mean? It's just ridiculous. I would think a screaming insane person is enough to warrant the police investigating at minimum a domestic issue.

We have been reporting the daily activity to the drug task tip line for months now. I finally wrote in my report this morning that what in the world else could possibly be going on here besides drug dealing??? After the 2 undercover narcotics guys were here a couple of weeks ago we had some info we thought they might could use. I tried to call him and left a message and he never called back.  Like DH said to me today: if there were the same cars going in and out of a store parking lot all day, the cops would sure stop them and ask what's going on. I cannot for the life of me fathom why none of the other neighbors that aren't involved in this (there are a few of them) will not call. Half the people on our street and the one behind us are related to or landlord to the drug dealers.  The only thing our good neighbor next door has raised a finger to help is to call the Lieutenant one (maybe twice) time and that was a month ago. There are 2 houses directly on the other side of the street from the drug house behind us. I can't believe they put up with all the activity driving by their houses. The screaming woman is literally right on the other side of one of their fence. My only guess is they feel they will be retaliated against if they call in or they know DH will call, so they don't need to bother/get involved. Blows my mind that they will not report anything, especially while it's happening right in front of them.  What the hell is wrong with people?


  1. You need to move up the food chain. Who is the elected official in your area reponsible for law enforcement? Try some emails there. It couldn't hurt to remind him/her of the voters who are not pleased.

    Heather near Atlanta

    1. Yes, we probably will have to find out who is higher up. It's a huge county with our local precinct one of many. It kind of sounds like with the narcotics unit involved they all don't let each other know what is going on and what (if anything is being done)

  2. All while reading I was thinking the same as Heather... move up if you're being ignored. Take these posts and make them into full reports (including local officials not doing much) and send it to higher officials. At the very least, they will think you annoying enough to force the current officials into action.

  3. Are you county or city? In our rural area county can be very slow to respond. So frustrating for you! As Heather and Tanner said, there surely is a higher chain of command you could contact. And I don't like the dispatcher's attitude!

    1. We are in a suburb of a large metropolitan city. Used to be kind of rural out here, but not anymore. The suburb city that our address is in is pop. approx 85,000, but we are in the unincorporated part, so our police is county, not city. The county area is huge and very populated

  4. I agree with the other commenters. You never know. I don't want to say it but sometimes there are not so honest cops out there too...

  5. I would stop reporting it. Eventually they will figure out who is doing the reporting. When it comes to drugs, people do totally irrational things. I fear for your safety should they figure it out.

    1. but if we don't report it then we get to put up with 50+ cars/walker/bicycler's coming in and out of our little private dead end street every single day. I'm sure they know we are the ones calling the cops in

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'd be tempted to get the home phone number of someone higher up (chief of police? Mayor?) and every time you are awaken/disturbed with the drug activity, call THEM and disturb them!! See how much they like that! Just not right that you have to tolerate this illegal activity with all you are doing/monitoring/reporting on the activity!!! I can't understand why they can't go in and do something NOW! Does someone have to be killed before anything actually happens? What about getting in touch with a TV/newspaper reporter and telling your story (anonymously, of course!!)? Although that would up the risk of the thugs figuring out who was on their back - - and possibly putting you and the family in danger. Jeez, there has to be something they can do before something awful happens!! Sorry you have to put up with this sh*t due to the drugheads.
